Appending data

  • I have a DEV box and a PRD box. I have 2 instances of SQL Server running (one each) on both the boxes. I have a table tbl1 on both the boxes. In my DEV box it has 1000 rows where as on my PRD box it has 250 rows.

    I want to append the 750 rows from my DEV box to my PRD box. How would I do that?

  • You could create a linked server, and run a cross-instance query of

    Insert Into Target .... Select * from Source Where not Exists ...

    Or you could create a DTS package, with connection objects for both instances and a Transform Data task

    [Edit] ... Or, if there are no Identity columns to worry about, drop constraints in Prod, truncate in Prod, Right-click on table in DEV and Export to Prod, recreate constraints in Prod.


  • I chose the DTS package route. Thx.

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