Append to File

  • Can someone tell me how to use DTS to output values from a table and APPEND them to a text file. Everytime I try it always overwrites the file and I can't find an option that says "Append to file" I would have thought it would be fairly easy but I'm having troble.

    I read suggestions on outputing the relevant data to separate text files and then appending the files to each other but surely there's a cleaner way than this....?


  • You have to create a new unique file each time, then use activex script to append new file to old file.


  • So hold on - are we saying that SQL has no native way of outputting data to a text file and appending the data? Is it just me or is that ever so slightly rubbish!

  • I believe that has been corrected in SQL Server 2005. Another case where a more timely release of smaller upgrades would have been preferred over waiting years for a major overhaul.


  • IMHO the output to a file is very weak in sql 2000. There is no ability to do alot of things natively, but the task can be completed by using the script task.


  • How can this be done using script task ?

  • This may or may not help you, but if you export to a .xls file then the data appears to be appended rather than replaced.

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