Apostrophe's and Variables Headache

  • Hi All,

    I have a simple SP that I'm trying to write that adds the row count of a number of tables into another table. I am just having a problem with Apostrophe's in my code and Variables. This always seems to give me headaches lol. Any help would be much appreciated.

    The Code I have so far :

    DECLARE @TSQL1 varchar (8000), @tsql2 varchar (8000), @TSQL3 varchar (8000), @TSQL4 varchar (8000), @SoftTable varchar (126), @HardTable varchar (126), @WideTable varchar (126), @CountSoft varchar (126), @CountHard varchar (126), @CountWide varchar (126)

    -- Clear table db0.ImporttablesRowCount

    TRUNCATE TABLE dbo.ImportTablesRowCount

    DECLARE table_list CURSOR FOR

    SELECT InitialImportTable FROM ptImportFileList WHERE FileToImport <> 'NA'

    OPEN table_list

    FETCH NEXT FROM table_list INTO @SoftTable



    -- Insert Table Name into dbo.ImportTablesRowCount

    SET @TSQL1 = 'INSERT INTO dbo.ImportTablesRowCount (TableName) VALUES ('''+@SoftTable+''')'

    EXEC (@TSQL1)


    -- Insert Row Count of SoftTable

    SET @CountSoft = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '+@SoftTable

    SET @tsql2 = 'UPDATE dbo.ImportTablesRowCount SET SoftTable = ('+@CountSoft+') WHERE TableName = '''+@SoftTable''

    EXEC (@TSQL2)

    IF @@ERROR<>0 PRINT @tsql2

    -- Insert Row Count of HardTable

    SET @HardTable = 'h'+SUBSTRING(@SoftTable, 2, 126)

    SET @CountHard = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '+HardTable

    SET @TSQL3 = 'UPDATE dbo.ImportTablesRowCount SET HardTable = ('+@CountHard+') WHERE TableName = '''+@HardTable''

    EXEC (@TSQL3)


    -- Insert Row Count of WideTable

    SET @Widetable = 'w'+@SoftTable

    SET @CountWide = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '+WideTable

    SET @TSQL4 = 'UPDATE dbo.ImportTablesRowCount SET WideTable = ('+@CountWide+') WHERE TableName = '''+@WideTable''

    EXEC (@TSQL4)


    FETCH NEXT FROM table_list INTO @SoftTable


    CLOSE table_list

    DEALLOCATE table_list[/color]

    The Apostrophe's I'm having issues with are the ones that are on the end of the SET commands for the variables @tsql2, @TSQL3, @TSQL4.

    The error I get is Incorrect syntax near ''.

  • Sorry to anyone who read this.

    Hope it gave you a laugh, worked out the problem.....

    PICNIC (Problem In Chair Not In Computer) on my part forgot the + between the last variable and the Apostrophe's!!!!

    Hope this helps someone else out who is having a similar issue. lol

  • Paul Clark-418949 (4/15/2010)

    PICNIC (Problem In Chair Not In Computer)

    hehe in my shop we call that a problem with the CKI (Chair to Keyboard Interface);

    it can often be fixed witht he application of caffiene


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Mate, provide us the create table script and sample rows to insert and check your code... and also i noticed that u are update a table using the count of table, but u are not executing the count(*) statement prior to the update statement... take care of that also...


    -- Insert Row Count of SoftTable

    SET @CountSoft = 'select '+@CountSoft+'COUNT(*) FROM '+@SoftTable

    SET @tsql2 = 'UPDATE dbo.ImportTablesRowCount SET SoftTable = ('+@CountSoft+') WHERE TableName = '''+@SoftTable''

    EXEC (@TSQL2)

    IF @@ERROR<>0 PRINT @tsql2


  • Hi Lowell,

    the other one we use here is Code 18 .....

    The problem is 18inches from the keyboard... lol

  • Hi C0ldCoffee,

    Thanks for the reply.....

    Why would I need to do this?

    I could get away without using that variable at all I suppose, and just put the COUNT statement straight into the UPDATE statement. I did this originally to try to simplify what I was looking at with the UPDATE Statement as I was getting cross eyed hence why I forgot the +.

    Which is annoying as I was explaining how variables and the SET command work to a colleague in the following way:

    SET @Variable1 = 'text'+@variable2+'text'+@variable2 etc.....

    and obviously I needed the + at the end as I wanted to terminate the string with text not the variable! lol

    Regards Paul

  • Paul Clark-418949 (4/15/2010)

    PICNIC (Problem In Chair Not In Computer)...

    I've heard it called BKAC (Between Keyboard and Chair), and ID-Ten-T (ID10T). 🙂

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
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  • Oh yeah Paul, apologies..i did not look deeply into the variables assigning part.. u need not do that.. sorry mate 🙂

  • No worries C0ldCoffee. 🙂

    It's always good to have a second pair of eyes to check things over.

    Apostrophe's and variables always seem to give me a headache though. Seems to be my Kryptonite as far as Transact is concerned lol. 😉

    thanks for the quick response though much appreciated.



  • LOL 😀

    Anyways, thanks and welcome mate 🙂

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