Anyway other faster way to do this?

  • I have created a view that takes a details table and tally up and transform the counts into columns


    table def OderItem

    record id

    orderid (FK)






    Select orderid,

    SUM(CASE ItemType WHEN 'AR' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS ARCount,

    SUM(CASE ItemType WHEN 'CH' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS CHCount, 

    SUM(CASE ItemType WHEN 'CF' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS CFCount,

    SUM(CASE ItemType WHEN 'BB' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS BBCount ,




    from OrderItem group by orderid


    Trouble is I have 30+ of those sum statements and was wondering if there is another way to make this faster.


  • Look at your current execution plan, could be index could help or are you meaning is there a faste way to build query itself?

  • There aren't many suggestions to give in this case. I have only two:

    1. If you don't like writing the query by hand (and maintaining it when new types appear), you could use a procedure to build the crosstab for you:

    2. If you need it to be really fast, and you don't mind a delay of 2-50ms at each modification of the base table, you could use triggers to maintain a separate table with the totals.


  • I was looking for a faster query, but I guess that is asking for the sky.  Table is already indexed on the type and the order id so no help on that front. I guess I can create a materialized view if I really have to. Thanx for the replies.

  • This is quicker I think

    ( roughly 20X faster on my system (tested on a random table) )

    select counts.orderid,

    MAX(CASE WHEN counts.ItemType = 'AR' THEN counts.cnt END) AS ARCount,

    MAX(CASE WHEN counts.ItemType = 'CH' THEN counts.cnt END) AS CHCount,

    MAX(CASE WHEN counts.ItemType = 'CF' THEN counts.cnt END) AS CFCount,

    MAX(CASE WHEN counts.ItemType = 'BB' THEN counts.cnt END) AS BBCount





    ( select orderid,ItemType,count(*) as cnt from OrderItem group by orderid,ItemType ) as counts

    group by counts.orderid


    You must unlearn what You have learnt

  • Thanx rockmoose, I should have thought of this...sum first then crosstab. This works much better than my current solution.

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