Anything to document stored procs?

  • Remi - point taken - though if you start out with a flawless design like I do (ya right!!!!!!) and never have to make schematic changes then this won't be an issue...

    Sometimes (make that "very often") I HATE BOL's the explanation for :

    "Show first level dependency only" - BOL says it means...

    "View only first-level dependencies for the selected object."

    Anyone who documents "Help" like this should be shot first and questioned later....I was trying to figure out if this would be the drill-down answer for Bill...

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • Hehe.

    It's gonna be my turn to be shot down... gonna post my question in a new thread.

    Come to think of it... that's gonna be only the 3rd thread I start .

    BTW, EM uses sp_depends 'ObjectName', just like ApexSql does, so it wouldn't be much of an help.

  •'s where I'm at so far....

    Note that this was all auto-generated, and so far, I haven't found where it's missed anything yet. 

  • Nice... is this vb code or tsql??

  • VB

    I'm contemplating porting it over to TSQL, but of course VB would still be required for the front end (or a web-based version).

    I'm also thinking about being able to expand the Insert/Update/Delete statements to show the entire statement as opposed to just the fact that one is being done.

  • Remi (regarding u being funnier than ApexSQL) i think i'm pretty funny too - look at my attempt at interview

    for dependency order - we're working on something that we want to implement on all of our products.  ETA?

    we offer a variety of custom tags to add some kick to just straight documentation - IsNew tag, Param tags etc

    We're open for additional requests - whatever u want added (if possible) we'll add. 


    Brian Lockwood
    ApexSQL - SQL Developer Essentials

    Stand up for an Independent SQL Community - be Informed

  • I never said apex wasn't funny, I just said I was funnier as I can interact with humans...

    May I ask how you generate the chm file (if it's not a business secret)? I tried finding builder classes or demos on how to do it but I was unsuccessfull.

  • If you need a suggestion, it would be nice if the report was exported to the server so that we could use your chm file in combinaison of our own reports. While I think your reports are awesome, I don't see how I can resuse then to generate scripts or extract statistics on my server... Would be a really nice feature to add.

  • you're right - you are funny!


    Brian Lockwood
    ApexSQL - SQL Developer Essentials

    Stand up for an Independent SQL Community - be Informed

  • That doesn't answer my questions .

  • we offer HTML report (vs chm)

    not sure what u mean by scripting off the output.  the output is pretty inert/packaged.

    with our Diff tool though we've created snapshots that you can use to version METADATA and compare the snapshot to the database or another snapshot.

    I'd like to be able to partially document off the snapshot (it's a binary file) - maybe that is something along the lines u r thinking of.  I'm not sure

    Brian Lockwood
    ApexSQL - SQL Developer Essentials

    Stand up for an Independent SQL Community - be Informed

  • I've built up a documentation tool that does the basic stuff you're doing with your software. The neat thing about it is that I'm able to check both on client side and server side which stored proc (or any other object) is used, and where/why.

    The other thing I build is a code generator. You feed a table name and it creates the select/insert/update/delete procs for that table, then I could reread the syscolumns table and generate the code to execute the proc (vba/vb6/, plus with or without a returned recordset). You can imagine how many weeks of programming can be saved with such a tool . But without the right information on the server it's hard to do stuff like that. That's why I was wondering if it were possible to export the report to the server instead of hd. I have other needs for reports that could use the information your program is extracting..

  • a code generator - i wish i had thought of that!

    i think basically what u are talking about is creating a METADATA file that is better than system tables + sqldmo.  we essentially do this to support the majority of our tools but in a proprietary format.

    if i gave away our core technology though for everyone to write value added clients on i wouldn't make enough money to pay for all these pretty banners and keep Steve Jones in fine clothes.

    we seek a middle ground though where we expose the metadata model from within our app.  For ApexSQL Audit we expose the internal metadata model in an internal IDE that has intellisense. 

    our next step would be SDK or other external API

    I'll have Nic read this thread though and see if we can add some stuff u r talking about.  We pretty much ran out of ideas on this tool so to kill time decided to convert it to C#

    Brian Lockwood
    ApexSQL - SQL Developer Essentials

    Stand up for an Independent SQL Community - be Informed

  • "We pretty much ran out of ideas on this tool so to kill time decided to convert it to C#"

    hehe... wish I had this luxury . But I'm starting from skratch instead of simply copying...

    I hope you get some speed improvement from that conversion.

    What was the original program written in?

  • ...Steve Jones in fine clothes...

    Hm, will ping Steve for a prove here.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

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