Anybody know of a good SSIS book?

  • I have recently migrated from SQL2k to SQL2k5 and I now have many "legacy" DTS packages. This may just be the best opportunity I will have to rebuild these pkgs in the new SSIS tool. I know there is a migration wizard but how will I learn anything. Any suggestions for some great SSIS reading material I can cozy up to? I enjoy a good read...

  • Brian Knight et al., "Professional SQL Server 2005 Integration Services"

  • Paul Turley, Joe Kasprzak, Scott Cameron (and others), Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Integration Services Step by step.

  • Either book is fine. I'm partial to Brian's book, but he's a business partner of mine, so I tend to use his resources.

    I'd also look at

  • "Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Integration Services" by Kirk Haselden.

    Kirk is the Development Manager of Integration Services so I would believe that he know anything worth knowing about SSIS. It's an excellent book!

  • I have "Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Integration Services Step by step" and "Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Integration Services" and find both very helpful. Their examples offer slightly different perspectives. We have over 100 DTS packages that baffle the migration wizard due to our extensive use of ActiveX tasks.

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2005

    Integration Services

    by Kirk Haselden

    I would definitely give this one a look at.

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