Anybody know how to trace alinked server spid back to the host

  • i'm running a spid from one sql server 2005 to another sql server 2005 and trying to work out how to link the spid running on the other server back to the host using the DMV tables.

    Anybody got any insight on how this can be acheived ?

  • where remote query is running the spid of remote server can come to by sp written by microsoft called sp_blocker90 something like that.

    query sp_who2 or sysprocess or dbcc input buffer for the local spid

  • you might try hostname in msdb.dbo.sysprocesses..

    Or a little snippet from something I wrote:

    SELECT @net_transport = net_transport,

    @client_net_address = client_net_address

    FROM sys.dm_exec_connections

    WHERE session_id = @SPID


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