Any website resembling

  • Hi,

    My friend told about sqlservercentral site a year before.From that onwards i'm utilizing this upto my level best. Now Can anybody of you refer to a site for .Net which is like our's ..I browsed few but it failed to impress me due to lack of interaction like this....

    I like to have an equivalent of sqlservercentral but for .net this time

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM


    You will find even its structure is quite similar to this site.

  • Thanks for ur response.But i need a site for .Net Technology and not for sql.It must be similar to this site( in forums,articles, active topics and etc.,

  • I like It is for Computer Professionals and has a forum for almost anything to do with the IT world.


  • If you're looking for ASP.NET, I've used in the past.


    K. Brian Kelley

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