Any suggestion on tunning this Stored procedure

  • USE [myNIC_PROD]


    /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[NIC_REPORTS_GetReferal] Script Date: 07/18/2013 20:51:38 ******/












    DECLARE @lEnterprise int

    SELECT @lEnterprise=lEnterprise FROM Office WHERE lID=@lOffice


    select b.szlast + ', ' + b.szfirst as szPhysicianName, c.szlast + ', ' + c.szfirst as szPatientName,

    a.dDateCreated, a.dCheckForReport, a.nPriority

    from consultants a, physician b, patient c


    a.lphysician = b.lid

    and a.lphysician in (select lPhysician from map_physiciantooffice where loffice = @lOffice)

    and c.lid in (select lpatient from address where lid = a.lpatientaddress)

    and DATEDIFF(d, @SDate, a.dDateCreated) >= 0

    and DATEDIFF(d, @EDate, a.dDateCreated) <= 0

    order by a.dDateCreated, szPatientName, a.nPriority desc


    select a.dDateCreated, a.dCheckForReport, a.nPriority, p.szfirst + ' ' + p.szlast as szpatientname,

    ap.szfirst + ' ' + ap.szlast as szphysicianname, ap.szorganization as szfacility, phys.szFirst + ' ' + phys.szLast AS szOrderedBy

    from consultants a

    INNER JOIN Map_ConsultationToProgressNote map ON a.lID=map.lConsultant

    INNER JOIN ProgressNote PN ON map.lProgressNote=PN.lID

    INNER JOIN Office o ON PN.lOffice=o.lID

    Join patient p on p.lid=PN.lPatient

    JOIN alliedHealthProviders AP ON a.lAlliedProvider=AP.lid

    LEFT JOIN Physician phys ON a.lPhysician=phys.lID

    where a.nRecordStatus=1

    AND DATEDIFF(d, @SDate, a.dDateCreated) >= 0

    AND DATEDIFF(d, @EDate, a.dDateCreated) <= 0

    AND o.lID=@lOffice

    AND a.dLastPrinted IS NOT NULL


    select a.dDateCreated, a.dCheckForReport, a.nPriority, p.szfirst + ' ' + p.szlast as szpatientname,

    r.szfirst + ' ' + r.szlast as szphysicianname, r.szdepartment as szfacility, phys.szFirst + ' ' + phys.szLast AS szOrderedBy

    from consultants a

    INNER JOIN Map_ConsultationToProgressNote map ON a.lID=map.lConsultant

    INNER JOIN ProgressNote PN ON map.lProgressNote=PN.lID

    INNER JOIN Office o ON PN.lOffice=o.lID

    Join patient p on p.lid=PN.lPatient

    JOIN Map_ConsultantsToRolodex d ON a.lID = d.lConsultants

    JOIN Rolodex r ON r.lID = d.lRolodex

    LEFT JOIN Physician phys ON a.lPhysician=phys.lID

    where a.nRecordStatus=1

    and DATEDIFF(d, @SDate, a.dDateCreated) >= 0

    and DATEDIFF(d, @EDate, a.dDateCreated) <= 0

    AND o.lID=@lOffice

    AND a.dLastPrinted IS NOT NULL


    select a.dDateCreated, a.dCheckForReport, a.nPriority, p.szfirst + ' ' + p.szlast as szpatientname,

    ds.szfirst + ' ' + ds.szlast as szphysicianname, '' as szfacility, phys.szFirst + ' ' + phys.szLast AS szOrderedBy

    from consultants a

    INNER JOIN Map_ConsultationToProgressNote map ON a.lID=map.lConsultant

    INNER JOIN ProgressNote PN ON map.lProgressNote=PN.lID

    INNER JOIN Office o ON PN.lOffice=o.lID

    Join patient p on p.lid=PN.lPatient

    JOIN Map_ConsultantsToDirectory d ON a.lID = d.lConsultants

    JOIN state s on s.lid = d.lDirectoryState

    JOIN directoryAB ds on ds.lid = d.lDirectory

    LEFT JOIN Physician phys ON a.lPhysician=phys.lID

    where s.szDirectoryTableName = 'directoryab'

    and a.nRecordStatus=1

    and DATEDIFF(d, @SDate, a.dDateCreated) >= 0

    and DATEDIFF(d, @EDate, a.dDateCreated) <= 0

    AND o.lID=@lOffice

    AND a.dLastPrinted IS NOT NULL


    select a.dDateCreated, a.dCheckForReport, a.nPriority, p.szfirst + ' ' + p.szlast as szpatientname,

    ds.szfirst + ' ' + ds.szlast as szphysicianname, '' as szfacility, phys.szFirst + ' ' + phys.szLast AS szOrderedBy

    from consultants a

    INNER JOIN Map_ConsultationToProgressNote map ON a.lID=map.lConsultant

    INNER JOIN ProgressNote PN ON map.lProgressNote=PN.lID

    INNER JOIN Office o ON PN.lOffice=o.lID

    Join patient p on p.lid=PN.lPatient

    JOIN Map_ConsultantsToDirectory d ON a.lID = d.lConsultants

    JOIN state s on s.lid = d.lDirectoryState

    JOIN directorybc ds on ds.lid = d.lDirectory

    LEFT JOIN Physician phys ON a.lPhysician=phys.lID

    where s.szDirectoryTableName = 'directorybc'

    and a.nRecordStatus=1

    and DATEDIFF(d, @SDate, a.dDateCreated) >= 0

    and DATEDIFF(d, @EDate, a.dDateCreated) <= 0

    AND o.lID=@lOffice

    AND a.dLastPrinted IS NOT NULL


    select a.dDateCreated, a.dCheckForReport, a.nPriority, p.szfirst + ' ' + p.szlast as szpatientname,

    ds.szfirst + ' ' + ds.szlast as szphysicianname, '' as szfacility, phys.szFirst + ' ' + phys.szLast AS szOrderedBy

    from consultants a

    INNER JOIN Map_ConsultationToProgressNote map ON a.lID=map.lConsultant

    INNER JOIN ProgressNote PN ON map.lProgressNote=PN.lID

    INNER JOIN Office o ON PN.lOffice=o.lID

    Join patient p on p.lid=PN.lPatient

    JOIN Map_ConsultantsToDirectory d ON a.lID = d.lConsultants

    JOIN state s on s.lid = d.lDirectoryState

    JOIN directorynb ds on ds.lid = d.lDirectory

    LEFT JOIN Physician phys ON a.lPhysician=phys.lID

    where s.szDirectoryTableName = 'directorynb'

    and a.nRecordStatus=1

    and DATEDIFF(d, @SDate, a.dDateCreated) >= 0

    and DATEDIFF(d, @EDate, a.dDateCreated) <= 0

    AND o.lID=@lOffice

    AND a.dLastPrinted IS NOT NULL


    select a.dDateCreated, a.dCheckForReport, a.nPriority, p.szfirst + ' ' + p.szlast as szpatientname,

    ds.szfirst + ' ' + ds.szlast as szphysicianname, '' as szfacility, phys.szFirst + ' ' + phys.szLast AS szOrderedBy

    from consultants a

    INNER JOIN Map_ConsultationToProgressNote map ON a.lID=map.lConsultant

    INNER JOIN ProgressNote PN ON map.lProgressNote=PN.lID

    INNER JOIN Office o ON PN.lOffice=o.lID

    Join patient p on p.lid=PN.lPatient

    JOIN Map_ConsultantsToDirectory d ON a.lID = d.lConsultants

    JOIN state s on s.lid = d.lDirectoryState

    JOIN directoryns ds on ds.lid = d.lDirectory

    LEFT JOIN Physician phys ON a.lPhysician=phys.lID

    where s.szDirectoryTableName = 'directoryns'

    and a.nRecordStatus=1

    and DATEDIFF(d, @SDate, a.dDateCreated) >= 0

    and DATEDIFF(d, @EDate, a.dDateCreated) <= 0

    AND o.lID=@lOffice

    AND a.dLastPrinted IS NOT NULL


    select a.dDateCreated, a.dCheckForReport, a.nPriority, p.szfirst + ' ' + p.szlast as szpatientname,

    ds.szfirst + ' ' + ds.szlast as szphysicianname, '' as szfacility, phys.szFirst + ' ' + phys.szLast AS szOrderedBy

    from consultants a

    INNER JOIN Map_ConsultationToProgressNote map ON a.lID=map.lConsultant

    INNER JOIN ProgressNote PN ON map.lProgressNote=PN.lID

    INNER JOIN Office o ON PN.lOffice=o.lID

    Join patient p on p.lid=PN.lPatient

    JOIN Map_ConsultantsToDirectory d ON a.lID = d.lConsultants

    JOIN state s on s.lid = d.lDirectoryState

    JOIN directoryon ds on ds.lid = d.lDirectory

    LEFT JOIN Physician phys ON a.lPhysician=phys.lID

    where s.szDirectoryTableName = 'directoryon'

    and a.nRecordStatus=1

    and DATEDIFF(d, @SDate, a.dDateCreated) >= 0

    and DATEDIFF(d, @EDate, a.dDateCreated) <= 0

    AND o.lID=@lOffice

    AND a.dLastPrinted IS NOT NULL


    select a.dDateCreated, a.dCheckForReport, a.nPriority, p.szfirst + ' ' + p.szlast as szpatientname,

    ds.szfirst + ' ' + ds.szlast as szphysicianname, '' as szfacility, phys.szFirst + ' ' + phys.szLast AS szOrderedBy

    from consultants a

    INNER JOIN Map_ConsultationToProgressNote map ON a.lID=map.lConsultant

    INNER JOIN ProgressNote PN ON map.lProgressNote=PN.lID

    INNER JOIN Office o ON PN.lOffice=o.lID

    Join patient p on p.lid=PN.lPatient

    JOIN Map_ConsultantsToDirectory d ON a.lID = d.lConsultants

    JOIN state s on s.lid = d.lDirectoryState

    JOIN directorysk ds on ds.lid = d.lDirectory

    LEFT JOIN Physician phys ON a.lPhysician=phys.lID

    where s.szDirectoryTableName = 'directorysk'

    and a.nRecordStatus=1

    and DATEDIFF(d, @SDate, a.dDateCreated) >= 0

    and DATEDIFF(d, @EDate, a.dDateCreated) <= 0

    AND o.lID=@lOffice

    AND a.dLastPrinted IS NOT NULL

    order by szPatientName, a.dDateCreated, szfacility, a.nPriority desc

  • Much like your other post, if you want help with tuning you need to give us enough information to work with. Follow the advice about what to post from the link Gail posted in your other thread.

    Actual execution plan

    Table definition

    Indexes definition

    Also when posting code it will make it a lot easier to read if you can use the IFCode shortcuts. They are over on the left when you are posting. If you use the CODE one it will keep your formatting and coloring in addition to putting it inside the nice little scrolling window.


    Need help? Help us help you.

    Read the article at for best practices on asking questions.

    Need to split a string? Try Jeff Modens splitter

    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 1 – Converting Rows to Columns -
    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 2 - Dynamic Cross Tabs -
    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 1) -
    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 2) -

  • As Sean says, there is not much we can do with the query alone.

    However, this:

    and DATEDIFF(d, @SDate, a.dDateCreated) >= 0

    and DATEDIFF(d, @EDate, a.dDateCreated) <= 0

    is better written as

    and a.dDateCreated >= @SDate

    and a.dDateCreated < dateadd(DAY, 1, @EDate)

    As this permits use of any index on dDateCreated. Although, guessing from the table names, the effect may be limited.

    You could change UNION to UNION ALL, as UNION implies DISTINCT. Then again, if you need duplicates deleted, you should keep UNION.

    I would suggest that you run one of the UNION queries at a time, to isolate the slow part.

    [font="Times New Roman"]Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP,[/font]

  • I forgot: Change SET ANSI_NULLS OFF to ANSI_NULLS ON. ANSI_NULLS OFF is a legacy setting, and there are features in SQL Server that are unavailable when this setting is OFF.

    [font="Times New Roman"]Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP,[/font]

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