Any Good Third Party Tools to Monitor SQL Server Administrative Changes?

  • I need a tool to monitor SQL Server configuration, security and schema changes (NOT data changes inserts\deletes of data etc).

    i.e creating a column, dropping a user, creating a database, setting recovery mode, changing the Max Mem setting etc.

    So far I have tried the following

    Quest Change Auditor

    Idera SQL Compliance

    Netwrix SQL Server Change Reporter

    Does anyone know of any others that are good?


  • Are you looking only for third party tool? Have you tried in built DDL Trigger and Policy Based Management?

    One ounce of practice is more important than tonnes of dreams

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  • I am aware of all the features that SQL Server offers out of the box but I specifically need a Third Party Tool.

    money is not an issue, but time is 🙂

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