Any Extended Stored Procedure is there to find out the number of drives in the server and their capacity

  • Hi,

    Any Extended/Undocumented Stored Procedure is there to find out the  drive name and their capacity in the server .(we know xp_fixeddrives gives only the free space in each drive i want to know the capacity of the each drive)

    Any Stored  proc/Extended Stored proc /Undocumented DBCC Command to find out size/max size of the datafile and data size used % (we know that dbcc sqlperf(logspace) gives log space utilization of each database. lll ly let me know the command to find out the data file size of each database in a server)


    Thanks in anticipation



  • Here's a stored procedure that will get all local drives, capacity, and free space.  I didn't write this, and I'm not sure who to give credit to.  Chances are that it came from this site, though.

    I also have a procedure for database file usage.  I'll post it in a separate post.





    DECLARE @hr int

    DECLARE @fso int

    DECLARE @drive char(1)

    DECLARE @odrive int

    DECLARE @TotalSize varchar(20)

    DECLARE @DateTime datetime

    DECLARE @MB bigint ; SET @MB = 1048576

    CREATE TABLE #af_disk_space

     ([#Drive] [char] (1) NOT NULL ,

     [#TotalSizeMB] [int] NULL ,

     [#FreeSpaceMB] [int] NULL ,

     [#FreeSpacePCT] [int] NULL ,

     [#FSDateStamp] [datetime] NULL)

    set @DateTime = convert(varchar(10), getdate(),101)

    INSERT #af_Disk_Space(#Drive,#FreeSpaceMB)

     EXEC master.dbo.xp_fixeddrives

    UPDATE #af_Disk_Space

    SET #FSDateStamp = @DateTime

    -- WHERE #FSDateStamp is null

    EXEC @hr=sp_OACreate 'Scripting.FileSystemObject',@fso OUT

    IF @hr <> 0 EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo @fso


    FOR SELECT #Drive from #af_Disk_Space

    --WHERE #FSDateStamp = @DateTime

    ORDER by #Drive

    OPEN dcur

    FETCH NEXT FROM dcur INTO @drive



    EXEC @hr = sp_OAMethod @fso,'GetDrive', @odrive OUT, @drive

    IF @hr <> 0 EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo @fso

    EXEC @hr = sp_OAGetProperty @odrive,'TotalSize', @TotalSize OUT

    IF @hr <> 0 EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo @odrive

    UPDATE #af_Disk_Space

    SET #TotalSizeMB=@TotalSize/@MB, #FreeSpacePCT = ((#FreeSpaceMB/((@TotalSize/@MB)*1.0))*100.0)

    WHERE #Drive=@drive --and #FSDateStamp = @DateTime

    FETCH NEXT FROM dcur INTO @drive


    CLOSE dcur


    EXEC @hr=sp_OADestroy @fso

    IF @hr <> 0 EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo @fso


    #Drive as 'Drive',

    #TotalSizeMB as 'Total(MB)',

    #FreeSpaceMB as 'Free(MB)',

    #FreeSpacePCT as 'Free(%)',

    #FSDateStamp as 'Date Checked'

    FROM #af_Disk_Space

    ORDER BY #Drive



    drop table #af_Disk_Space



  • You also can create your stored procedure from this VB script (result is in file C:\disk_log.txt) or use this script in DTS package to fill your report table:

    Const HARD_DISK = 3

    Const ForAppending = 2

    strComputer = "."

    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile _

    ("C:\disk_log.txt", ForAppending, True)

    objTextFile.WriteLine("DeviceID, FreeSpace, Size ")

    Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _

    & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")

    Set colDisks = objWMIService.ExecQuery _

    ("Select * from Win32_LogicalDisk Where DriveType = " & HARD_DISK & "")

    For Each objDisk in colDisks

    objTextFile.WriteLine(objDisk.DeviceID & ", " & objDisk.FreeSpace & ", " & objDisk.Size)




    Result file looks like this:

    DeviceID, FreeSpace, Size

    C:, 22657998848, 30725742592

    D:, 80170778624, 160039239680

  • Here's the procedure that checks database file space.  It does do log files too, though.  I didn't write this one either, but I do know who did.  Some guy by the name of Steve Jones posted it on this site ( ).  I have made quite a few changes to Steve's procedure.  It all should be documented.

    Steve (not Jones)



    if object_Id('af_FileSpace') Is Not Null

     drop table af_FileSpace


    CREATE TABLE af_FileSpace (

     DBName varchar(128),

     LogicalName varchar(128),

     FileType char(4),

     TotalMB numeric(10,4),

     UsedMB numeric(10,4),

     PercentUsed numeric(10,4),

     RunDate datetime



    if object_id( 'af_FileSpace') Is Null

     select ' af_FileSpace Not Created'


     select ' af_FileSpace Created'



    if object_Id( 'af_getFileSpace') Is Not Null

     drop procedure af_getFileSpace


    CREATE procedure af_getFileSpace

     @days int = 90




    Name: af_getFileSpace


       Gather the data and log space for all databases on the system

    and insert the information into af_FileSpace. The following databases

    are not added to af_FileSpace:





    Usage:exec af_getFileSpace 90

    Author: Steve Jones

    Input Params:


    @days  int. Number of days to keep in af_FileSpace. defaults to

       90 days (1 quarter).


    Output Params:







    @err  Holds error value



    8/10/2004  Steve Phelps - modified table structure, corrected logical names,

      corrected percent calculations (also changed to percent used instead of

      percent free), modified @days parameter to use a positive value(by simply muliplying by -1).



    set nocount on


     @err int,

     @run_date datetime

    select @err = 0

    select @run_date = getdate()

    select @days = @days * -1


    Create the temp tables to hold the results of DBCC

    commands until the information is entered into



    CREATE TABLE #logspace (

       DBName varchar( 100),

       LogSize float,

       PrcntUsed float,

       status int


    CREATE TABLE #dataspace

     ( FileID  int,

     FileGrp  int,

     TotExt int,

     UsdExt  int,

       LFileNm varchar( 100),

       PFileNm varchar( 100)



    Get the log space


    INSERT INTO #logspace

       EXEC ('dbcc sqlperf( logspace)')

    -- problem: this is ok for dbs with 1 log file.  However, if there are multiple

    -- log files, it will aggregate the data rather than providing stats for each file.

    insert af_FileSpace

     select  dbname,

       ' ',



       (logsize * (PrcntUsed/100)),



      from #logspace

     where dbname not in('Pubs', 'Northwind', 'model', 'tempdb')

    -- SQL Server treats multiple log files as a single file.  Details for individual files is not available,

    -- so in the case of a database with multiple log files, the statistics for the log are aggregated, and the

    -- logical filename is reported as 'n/a, multiple files'.

    update afs

     set LogicalName = 'n/a, multiple files'

     from af_FileSpace afs

     join (select db_name(dbid) as dbname-- count(*) as [count]

         from master..sysaltfiles where status &0x40 = 0x40

         group by dbid

         having count(dbid) > 1) sa

      on sa.dbname = afs.DBName

      where afs.FileType = 'Log'

    -- Logs with multiple files have been identified. Now retrieve logical file names for single file logs.

    update afs

     set LogicalName =

      from af_FileSpace afs

      join master..sysaltfiles sa

       on afs.DBName = db_name(sa.dbid)

     where sa.status &0x40 = 0x40

     and (afs.LogicalName is null or afs.LogicalName = ' ')


    Get the data space

    Use a cursor to loop through the results from DBCC

    since you have to run this command from each database

    with a USE command.


    declare @db char( 40), @cmd char( 500)

    declare db_cur cursor

     for select DBName from #logspace where dbname not in('Pubs', 'Northwind', 'model', 'tempdb')

    open db_cur

    fetch next from db_cur into @db

    while @@fetch_status = 0


      select @cmd = 'use ' + rtrim(@db) + ' dbcc showfilestats'

      insert #dataspace

       exec( @cmd)

      insert af_FileSpace





       ((cast( TotExt as numeric(10,4))* 64) / 1024),

       ((cast( UsdExt as numeric(10,4))* 64) / 1024),

       (cast(cast(UsdExt as numeric(10,4)) / cast(TotExt as numeric(10,4)) as numeric (10,4)) * 100),


       from #dataspace

      fetch next from db_cur into @db

      delete #dataspace


    close db_cur

    deallocate db_cur


    Drop the temporary tables


    drop table #logspace

    drop table #dataspace


    Remove old information from the af_FileSpace table.


    delete af_FileSpace

     where RunDate < dateadd( day, @days, @run_date)

    return @err


    if object_id( 'af_getFileSpace') Is Null

     select 'af_getFileSpace Not Created'


     select 'af_getFileSpace Created'



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