Any anti-virus programs for Win 2003 + SQL 2005 ?

  • Dear all,

    Some bodies told me Win 2003 has its own anti-virus functions, so, there is no need to install any anti-vrius programs to a Win 2003 + SQL 2005 environment.

    What do you think ? Correct or not correct ?

    If it is not correct, do you have any anti-virus programs suggestions for a Win 2003 + SQL 2005 environment ?

  • Win 2003 has built in firewall (bit like XP's ... i.e. half hearted) and security is generally locked down a lot more so by default it is difficult to catch nasties from the IE browser - but is does not have any built in antivirus that I've seen. But be careful with antivirus on a SQL box - whatever you do you do not want real time scanning of the database files (.mdf's and .ldf's) - so you must make sure your chosen software is configurable enough to exclude these - you probably want to exclude the backup extension you use as well if backing up to disk.

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