Another XML to tabular question

  • Hello All,

    I'm having a bit of a problem getting my XML into a correct tabular format.

    Below, I have a Customer, order, orderItems XML file.

    When I write the results out in tabular format, its only taking one Order Item, and not all of them.

    Heres the data sample:

    <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>


    <Cust Name='165237'>



    <ContactName>Amy surname</ContactName>





    <OrderDate>14/01/2013 13:36:33</OrderDate>



    <Description>SALE - RED </Description>








    <Description>SALE - BLUE </Description>








    <Cust Name='165236'>



    <ContactName>Loretta surname</ContactName>





    <OrderDate>14/01/2013 13:23:57</OrderDate>



    <Description>SAL GREEN</Description>









    I can load the XML file into a #temp table

    CREATE TABLE XmlImportTest


    xmlFileName VARCHAR(300),

    xml_data xml



    DECLARE @xmlFileName VARCHAR(300)

    SELECT @xmlFileName = 'E:\Orders.xml'

    -- dynamic sql is just so we can use @xmlFileName variable in OPENROWSET


    INSERT INTO XmlImportTest(xmlFileName, xml_data)

    SELECT ''' + @xmlFileName + ''', xmlData



    SELECT *


    ) AS FileImport (XMLDATA)



    Now read the data out of the XML field into a tabular format, and into a new table.

    ( this is where the fault is, its only returning a sinlge order line, with a single item.


    C.value('(Customers/CustomerID)[1]','INT') as CusID,

    C.value('(Customers/ContactName)[1]','varchar(50)') as ContactName,

    C.value('(Customers/Email)[1]','varchar(150)') as eml,

    C.value('(Order/OrderNumber)[1]','INT') as OrderNo,

    C.value('(Order/OrderDate)[1]','varchar(20)') as OrderDate,

    C.value('(OrderItems/Description)[1]','varchar(120)') as ItemDesc,

    C.value('(OrderItems/Price)[1]','money') as ItemPrice,

    C.value('(OrderItems/ProductCode)[1]','INT') as ProdCode,

    C.value('(OrderItems/ColourCodeId)[1]','varchar(120)') as ColCode,

    C.value('(OrderItems/ColourCodeTitle)[1]','varchar(120)') as ColCodeTitle,

    C.value('(OrderItems/Quantity)[1]','float(20)') as ItemQty

    Into Tbl_NewTableName



    cross apply

    xml_data.nodes('/DsOrders/Cust') as Cust(C)

    Now, I'm sure its to do with the cross apply, so i tried the following, but this lists a single customer / order and every order item in the file!


    C.value('(Customers/CustomerID)[1]','INT') as CusID,

    C.value('(Customers/ContactName)[1]','varchar(50)') as ContactName,

    C.value('(Customers/Email)[1]','varchar(150)') as eml,

    C.value('(Order/OrderNumber)[1]','INT') as OrderNo,

    C.value('(Order/OrderDate)[1]','varchar(20)') as OrderDate,

    D.value('(Description)[1]','varchar(120)') as ItemDesc,

    D.value('(Price)[1]','money') as ItemPrice,

    D.value('(ProductCode)[1]','INT') as ProdCode,

    D.value('(ColourCodeId)[1]','varchar(120)') as ColCode,

    D.value('(ColourCodeTitle)[1]','varchar(120)') as ColCodeTitle,

    D.value('(Quantity)[1]','float(20)') as ItemQty

    Into Tbl_NewTableName



    cross apply

    xml_data.nodes('/DsOrders/Cust') as Cust(C)

    cross apply

    xml_data.nodes('/DsOrders/Cust/OrderItems') as Items(D)

    I've been looking at this one, on and off for the last week and really need some guidance..

    As you can see, XML isn't my strongest point.

    Thanks in advance!


  • Hi,

    I think you are very close, does this updated final query do what you need it to do or get you closer?


    C.value('(Customers/CustomerID)[1]','INT') as CusID,

    C.value('(Customers/ContactName)[1]','varchar(50)') as ContactName,

    C.value('(Customers/Email)[1]','varchar(150)') as eml,

    C.value('(Order/OrderNumber)[1]','INT') as OrderNo,

    C.value('(Order/OrderDate)[1]','varchar(20)') as OrderDate,

    i.value('(Description)[1]','varchar(120)') as ItemDesc,

    i.value('(Price)[1]','money') as ItemPrice,

    i.value('(ProductCode)[1]','INT') as ProdCode,

    i.value('(ColourCodeId)[1]','varchar(120)') as ColCode,

    i.value('(ColourCodeTitle)[1]','varchar(120)') as ColCodeTitle,

    i.value('(Quantity)[1]','float(20)') as ItemQty

    Into Tbl_NewTableName



    cross apply xml_data.nodes('/AsOrders/Cust') as Cust(C)

    CROSS APPLY C.nodes('OrderItems') AS Items(I)

    This returns three records, two for order 165237 and one for order 165236

  • Thank you arthurolcot very very much! That did exactly what I was looking for.

    Many thanks


  • hb21l6 (1/23/2013)

    Thank you arthurolcot very very much! That did exactly what I was looking for.

    Many thanks


    No problem.. Thanks for the feedback.

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