Another silly question...

  • As you all know by now, I don't know SQL, as with my previous post, I had no idea how to install QA. But now that it is done, I(we)can move on.

    Everyone here seems to know SQL pretty well. I've browsed a few posts, but nothing means anything to me.....yet.

    Can anyone recommend a website I can learn basic queries? I need to see what is in my tables, so I can understand the process.

    I'm a network administrator that does not know database stuff.... I need to change this..

    And with your help, I hope we can achieve this goal... And then maybe in 3 years i'll be helping someone like myself down the line..


  • If I were you I would pick up a book like

    I'm sure many others will have book recommendations, but if you do not have the fundamentals an easy book like this will help.

    Try this website.


  • If I needed to see data in a table what would be the syntax?

  • Dude, get a book and learn, this isn't a school for newbies. We don't mind helping but we actually paid and worked to get our formation.

    This is the best online tutorial for you.

    W3Schools - SQL

  • Then may I suggest shutting down the forum then.. Because there would be no need to have it, if you're not going help anyone...

  • Look at my post count, I answered and solved over 2000 problems. I paid 15K to get my formation (1 500 hours) and it took me over 6 000 hours to learn all I know (3 000 on SQL server). Don't expect me, or all of us to teach you all that bit by bit without you doing the leg work because that's just not possible on a forum. I don't wanna stop you from learning sql, but don't expect to have it happen overnight and just by asking 1 or 2 questions because that's just gonna work. Ask Erik Little if you want. He started to learn sql and programming by himself here over a year ago and just now, he starts to understand what he's doing.

  • I asked a simple question... all you had to say was: SELECT * FROM tablename. and I would have said thank you. But you had to bitch about how you got your information and how many hours it took you. I don't give a rats ass. Good for you. Apparently, you stay in your office and code all day... You're not a people person....

  • The link we provided will answer the next 20 question you'd have posted. Take it like :

    Give him a fish, feed im for a day, take him to fish, feed him for life (quoted correctly???).

    Now that you learned this by yourself, you're on your way to learn about 10 000 more things like that in the next decade or so.

  • I'm surprised to see you talk like this, and scare people away from this forum... You should be banned. Because it should not be like this, for people trying to learn... Thanks for the link... I'm going back to experts exchange, where there are more polite people there...

  • I'm surprised you'd come in here and ask a completely vague question and expect us to do all the legwork for you.

    your initial question was fine

    "Can anyone recommend a website I can learn basic queries? "

    But your subsequent question

    "If I needed to see data in a table what would be the syntax?"

    was answered for you if you would have just read the first 4 pages of the w3 Link dont come in here expecting to have your work handed to you without doing any of the work yourself.

    Just Spend a little time in here and you will see that Remi, or myself do not intentionally try to make users feel inferior. But it is difficult when we end up doing work for people for free. and the tone of your posts seemed to follow that script. Go ahead and try to post your question on the microsoft forums and see if you get any help. I suspect the responses will be a little less helpfull

  • "If I needed to see data in a table what would be the syntax?"

    In the context of the previous posting I would have said - "Hopefully when you installed client tools you got Enterprise Manager as well as QA - Spend some time exploring with these two tools."




  • Leg work? Are you kidding? You guys are really that stuck up? Thinking you are all hign and mighty.. Damn! I did not ask you to write a complete script, or ask you anything else... It was a simple question that could have been answered easyily. More the reason to help someone with all your knowledge... Whats the point in having all of that, if you're not willing to share it. And if you don't share, whats the point of you joining this forum? Just sounds silly, and you're making it more of a big deal than it is... Just think about it for a moment....

    Imagine your boss asks you to setup a Windows 2003 domain. know nothing about it, so you join a forum to find out how. Free and quick information. You may not know all the ins and outs, but you got help on how to set it up, and from there, you'll start to learn the rest of it.

    Get it now?? Jeez!

  • Joe-

    I think maybe you are missing the bigger point that these guys are trying to make.

    If my boss asked me to setup a Windows 2003 domain, my first step would be to run to Barnes and Noble and find a book.

    SQL Server is a complex database system.  I have been using it for 5 years and everyday I realize how little that I know about it.

    I think that they are simply suggesting to get a book to get yourself up to speed.


  • I have seen answers to posts here from these same members that have taken this same tone. I understand frustration with some elementary questions, but please try to be nice in your replys, or if you can't, please just ignore the post and let someone answer it in a more civilized way. Just my two cents. I really think it is in the best intersts of this site to prevent situations like this from happening. After all, this IS the BEST SQL SERVER site around - let's keep it that way!

  • I've always found RGR'us (or Remi, etc.) to be extremely helpful. I think that the problem is that it is EXTREMELY eassy to get the basic help you were looking fro from Google or the link provided - you don't have to ask in a forum.

    I think that the best comparison is that your boss ask you to set up a Windows 2003 Domain and you go out and ask on a forum 'What does ADS stand for?' Nothing wrong with that, but when you're dealing with people who have worked for yearsto get where they are, they expect you to do the first bit yourself.

    If you're still complaining about the tone here, I think you're way off base. I've always been pleasently suprised by the helpfullness of people on this site. I'd like to see RGR'us word count for his posts - must be astronomical.

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