Another Scripting Question

  • The scripts that "generate SQL script" creates are just scripts to reverse engineer the structure(s) you created.  What I really need is a script to dynamically re-create the replication based on values and/or parameters.  Ideally, some sort of "wild-card" definition of the articles to be included.  Nobody here wants to manually edit a script to add a table or column to the article, or create a new article.  We want to do a "diff" report (which I can handle) and based on changes, automatically create new scripts that can be automatically run to re-create the snapshot without intervention.

    What am I missing?

    David Russell
    Any Cloud, Any Database, Oracle since 1982

  • Dave, I think this is wishful thinking. There are many tools out there that can deal with database schema differences, but not to script out the changes as replication DML commands, which I take is what you were after.

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