Another Audit Trigger

  • This is a trigger to record Updates to a table that I modified from O’Reilly’s “Transact-SQL Cookbook”. The goal is to save space in the audit table by only storing values that have actually changed. When I tried the original version, I discovered that the trigger would not record the value of a column that was updated from a Null value to an actual value. I then added some additional logic which records the changed value regardless of whether the original value was a Null value or an actual value.

    CREATE TRIGGER AuditUpdate

    ON [Table]




    INSERT INTO AuditTrail(TableName, Action, NetUserID, Node, ActionDate, EventID, [Column_Name])

    SELECT 'TableName', 'O', system_user, host_name(), current_timestamp, newid(),

    (CASE WHEN d.[ColumnName]!=i.[ColumnName] THEN d.[ColumnName] ELSE NULL END)

    FROM deleted d, inserted i

    WHERE d.[ColumnName]=i.[ColumnName]

    /* 'O' indicates this row is storing Old values.*/

    INSERT INTO AuditTrail(TableName, Action, NetUserID, Node, ActionDate, EventID, [Column_Name])

    SELECT 'TableName', 'N', system_user, host_name(), current_timestamp, newid(),

    /* Here is the logic which overcame the problem of not recording a change from a Null value to an actual value */

    (CASE WHEN d.[ColumnName] IS NULL THEN i.[ColumnName] WHEN d.[ColumnName]!=i.[ColumnName] THEN i.[ColumnName] ELSE NULL END)

    FROM deleted d, inserted i

    WHERE d.[ColumnName]=i.[ColumnName]

    /* 'N' indicates this row is storing New values.*/


    /* The original logic was as follows: */


    (CASE WHEN d.[ColumnName]!=i.[ColumnName] THEN i.[ColumnName] ELSE NULL END)


    “If you're not outraged at the media, you haven't been paying attention.”

  • Cool.

  • Here is what you actually need to be using in a trigger:

    IF UPDATED( ColumnName ) ...

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