Annoying behavior importing csv file into SQL Server

  • Hi all.

    This is driving me absolutely insane.

    I have a comma-delimited text file.  The first row is a header row and there are no spaces around each comma.  However, starting with the first data row, each comma contains multiple spaces around it.

    I cannot import this file completely/successfully.

    If I use BULK INSERT with FIELDTERMINATOR = ' , ' I'm able to import all of the data except the first data row.  Someone in the past told me this was because of the lack of spaces around the commas in the header row versus the data rows.  Completely infuriating.

    If I use INSERT INTO SELECT FROM FROM OPENROWSET('MSDASQL', 'Driver={Microsoft Text Driver (*.txt; *.csv)};DefaultDir=C:\;', 'select * from test.csv')z    SQL Server sets the data type of each field before attempting to insert the data into a precreated table.  One very annoying side effect of this is that I have a one character column (discounting the stupid spaces around each comma) that has mostly integer values except for one character "I".  SQL Server data types this field on import to an INT (even though I explicitly set it to VARCHAR) and sets to NULL any values for this column that contain "I".

    EXEC master..xp_cmdshell has the same behavior as BULK INSERT.

    I'm about to scream.  I do not want to use DTS to accomplish this import since I'd have to somehow pass it the name of the file via parameter(s).


    This should not be this difficult.  Somebody point out Bill Gates so I can glare at 'im.  HELP!

  • Also, is there any method you guys know of to strip just the header row from a text file?  If I could do that (from an xp_cmdshell from within SQL Server) the INSERT INTO SELECT FROM OPENROWSET works.


  • Have you tried adding FIRSTROW=2 to the BULK INSERT command?  I don't have a system to try it on, but it might skip the header.

    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

  • That works great skipping the header row, but it also skips row 2 (the first data row).  The import then starts on row 3. 


  • Deja Vu!


    This question has been asked here before.  Here's a link to a thread with a script to strip the header line off a file.



    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

  • Thanks, Dave (do you mind if I call you Dave?  )

    I found a 16kb executable that allows for copying a file beginning at a specific point in the file.  This'll work for me.



    *kicks silly SQL Server*  Shouldn't have to do this!

  • I agree.  The 'FIRSTROW' setting should take care of this.  I know it works in DTS, but it seems to have caused multiple people grief trying to do it the easy way. 

    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

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