AND operator in SELECT statement

  • Hi All,

    I'm trying to achieve AND operator using SELECT statement. I understand, we can achieve OR operator using IN clause like,

    SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE EmployeeID IN (SELECT ID FROM #temp)

    This statement will give me the records from Employee table where all or any of the ID from #temp exists in Employee table. What I basically need to is get the rows from Employee table, if and only if, all IDs from #temp table exist in Employee table.

    I also understand, this can be achieved by using dynamic SQL, but I don't want to go there.

    I hope I've made my point clear and I'm sure this can be done using T-SQL.

    Thanks in advance,


  • Are you looking to find employees not listed in temp?

    >> Select * FROM dbo.Employees E where NOT exists (Select * from #temp t where E.empid = t.empid)

    Because my first impression of your needs just doesn't apply to this case!?!? (like find all employees who speak all (not any) those languages (french, english, spanish).


    If I didn't answered you question, can you post some sample data and the required output from that data?

  • The more versatile solution to the second variation of the problem goes like this. (can be simplified but I don't have time for it now). Also I expect you'll have questions about this code so don't be afraid to ask .

    IF EXISTS (SELECT FROM dbo.SysObjects WHERE name 'fnSplit_Set' AND XType IN ('FN''IF''TF'))

           DROP FUNCTION dbo.fnSplit_Set


    IF EXISTS (SELECT FROM dbo.SysObjects WHERE name 'Numbers' AND XType 'U')

           DROP TABLE dbo.Numbers


    CREATE TABLE dbo.Numbers (PkNumber INT IDENTITY(1,1), dude bit NULL, CONSTRAINT Pk_Number PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (PkNumber))


    INSERT INTO dbo.Numbers (dude

    SELECT NULL FROM (SELECT TOP 100 NULL AS FROM master.dbo.spt_valuesdt100 CROSS JOIN (SELECT TOP 80 NULL AS FROM master.dbo.spt_valuesdt80


    ALTER TABLE dbo.Numbers

    DROP COLUMN dude


    --Select min(PkNumber) as MinA, max(PkNumber) as MaxA from dbo.Numbers

    --1, 8000


    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fnSplit_Set] (@IDS AS VARCHAR(8000), @vcDelimiter VARCHAR(3))  





                   SELECT dtSplitted.EachIDdtSplitted.Rank FROM (

                           SELECT SUBSTRING(@vcDelimiter @IDs @vcDelimiterN.PkNumber LEN(@vcDelimiter),

                           CHARINDEX(@vcDelimiter@vcDelimiter @IDs @vcDelimiterN.PkNumber LEN(@vcDelimiter)) - N.PkNumber LEN(@vcDelimiter)) AS EachID

                           , (LEN(SUBSTRING(@IDs1N.PkNumber)) - LEN (REPLACE (SUBSTRING(@IDs1N.PkNumber), ','''))) + AS Rank

                           FROM dbo.Numbers N

                           WHERE SUBSTRING(@vcDelimiter @IDs @vcDelimiterN.PkNumberLEN(@vcDelimiter)) @vcDelimiter

                           AND PkNumber LEN(@vcDelimiter @IDs @vcDelimiter)

                                  &nbsp dtSplitted WHERE LEN(dtSplitted.EachID) > 0



    SET @IDS ''

    SELECT @IDS @IDS CAST(id AS VARCHAR(10)) + ',' FROM (SELECT TOP 10 id FROM dbo.SysObjects ORDER BY NEWID()) dtIds



    SELECT O.iddtIDS.EachIdO.namedtIDS.Rank FROM dbo.SysObjects O INNER JOIN (SELECT CAST(EachID AS INTAS EachIDRank FROM dbo.fnSplit_Set (@IDS',')) dtIDS ON dtIDS.EachID ORDER BY O.Name

    SELECT O.iddtIDS.EachIdO.namedtIDS.Rank FROM dbo.SysObjects O INNER JOIN (SELECT CAST(EachID AS INTAS EachIDRank FROM dbo.fnSplit_Set (@IDS',')) dtIDS ON dtIDS.EachID ORDER BY dtIDS.Rank

    --Dont't ever forget to cast the eachid column to the same datatype as in the join to avoid table scans.


    IF NOT OBJECT_ID('SearchColumns'IS NULL

           DROP PROCEDURE SearchColumns


    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.SearchColumns @Items AS VARCHAR(8000), @ItemsCount AS smallint --avoid calling split twice


           SET NOCOUNT ON




                   FROM            dbo.SysObjects O

                   WHERE           EXISTS  (

                                           SELECT  1

                                           FROM    dbo.SysColumns C

                                           WHERE AND C.Name IN (SELECT EachID FROM dbo.fnSplit_Set(@Items','))

                                           GROUP BY id HAVING COUNT(*) >= @ItemsCount


                   ORDER BY Name

           SET NOCOUNT OFF


    --find all items

    EXEC dbo.SearchColumns 'name,id'2               -- 4 row(s) affected

    EXEC dbo.SearchColumns 'name,id,indid'-- 1 row(s) affected

    EXEC dbo.SearchColumns 'id'1                    -- 12 row(s) affected

    --find at least 2

    EXEC dbo.SearchColumns 'name,id,indid'-- 5 row(s) affected (instead of 1)

    --find at least 1

    EXEC dbo.SearchColumns 'name'1          -- 10 row(s) affected

    EXEC dbo.SearchColumns 'name,indid'1            -- 11 row(s) affected


    DROP PROCEDURE SearchColumns

    --DROP FUNCTION fnSplit_Set


  • Thanks for your replies Ninja, but my situation is little bit different.

    sample data:

    declare @employee table (EmployeeId int, EmpName varchar(32))

    insert into @employee values (1, 'test1')

    insert into @employee values (2, 'test2')

    insert into @employee values (3, 'test3')

    insert into @employee values (4, 'test4')

    ==> Case 1

    declare @temp table (id int)

    insert into @temp values (1)

    insert into @temp values (4)

    Give me all data from employees if IDS data in @temp exist in Employee table. Now, since ID 1 and 4 exist in Employee table, it should give me all rows from employee table not just rows for ID (1,4)

    ==> case 2

    insert into @temp values (1)

    insert into @temp values (6)

    insert into @temp values (7)

    Same condition, even if ID 1 exist in employee table but not the ID 6 and 7, so I shouldn't get any rows from employee table.

  • Never mind, I found the solution:

    ;with c AS


    select * from @employee


    select *

    from c

    where not exists


    select id from @temp


    select Employeeid from c


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