Analysis Services Query Log

  • I am trying to undertake some performance optimisation of Analysis Services cubes. But horrors of horrors the Query Log database is not being populated. I have reset the query frequency to 1 - still no joy. Everything seems to be OK in the registry. I guess I could try migrating the Query Log to SQL Server but the connection to the Access database is OK.

    This is the case on all 3 of our Analysis Servers. The current service level is sp3a.

    It appears to have been populated in the past on one of the servers and I gather that this was initially built with SP2.

    Any Ideas? Experienced similar issues?



  • Did you restart the AS service after changing the querylog frequency setting?  It only gets read from the registry on startup of the service.


  • Yep, Already tried restarting etc. No Joy. No logging. Any other ideas?


  • re: the conxn string settings for logging db, have you checked both the remote and local connection string settings in the registry?


  • OK. The problem was that the Bin directory did not have the appropriate security set. Bit of an additional funny. I had to stop the service - copy the access db off to another pc - delete the access database - open it up and then copy it back in.....



  • Steve, can you elaborate on your findings?  I’ve been experiencing the same problems and have been watching your post to see a resolution.  What did you need to do to the security of the folder? 



  • Mike,

    You need to include the OLAP Administrators with full control over the c:\Program Files\Microsoft Analysis Services\Bin directory.

    Stop the OLAP service.

    Remotely (unless you have access installed locally) run

    ie. \\s825338\MsOLAPRepository$\msmdqlog.mdb

    If the Access database opens up OK (not read-only). Close down access. Restart the OLAP service and you should see the msmdqlog.ldb file created in the Bin directory.

    If opens up read-only. Copy the access database off to a remote location. Open it up - it should open up OK - Copy it back over the top of the original.

    REstart Service - should see the msmdqlog.ldb. Service connecting OK.

    These last steps seem a bit strange I know but on two of the servers I tried this on the Access database seemed to get "stuck" read-only. (All the file settings were OK and I tried explicitly setting security on the file etc).

    Hope this helps...


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