Analysis Services Manager will not start.

  • I Click on Start - Programs - Microsoft SQL Server - Analysis Services - Analysis Manager.

    The manager does not start.  It looks like it launches but never fully comes up. it just hangs.  There are no errors in the event manager and the services are started and accessible from another instance of Analysis Services on another maching.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.






    Paul Bourg

  • Paul,

    You could do the following to check your MMC, see if any errors are thrown on trying to add the AS maangement console.

    Go to Start|Run, type mmc, hit enter.  MMC should start with a blank new console.

    go to File|Add/Remove Snap In

    from the Add/Remove Snap In dialog, click the 'Add' button

    from the Add Standalone Snap In dialog, scroll down and select SQL Server Analysis Services, click Add click Close

    click OK

    This should result in a console with AS as a root member of the tree.  there will be no server in it, you need to right click and select 'Register server' to add your local

    If this works, ignoring the fact that we haven't debugged the issue, you can sve this new console and use it to manage your AS.



  • That worked great.  I can now drill down into the cubes.  Now I think I am at the root of the problem.  The computer hangs up when I click on the DB or the Cube or at any level.  The message at the bottom of the screen states it is loading a file 107menubar2.htm.  I tried to execute this file from the file system and get the same response(system hangs).  Is there any way to fix this file?

    Paul Bourg

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