Analysis Services 2005 Cannot Create Aggregation > 0%

  • Dear Guru,

    I was experianced some weird things in Analysis Services 2005 (with SP1). My cube structure:


    3 measures in measure group

    5 calculated measures

    3 time dimension

    more than 10 flat dimension (dim with no hierarchy)


    When I tried to design an aggregation using the wizard, I always got 0% aggregation, even thought I choose 100%. 

    FYI, the same wizard working fine with the others cube.


    What's wrong?





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  • I'm not sure what's going wrong (or right ) with your aggregations but I would hazard a guess that it's related to the aggregation candidates.  For a pretty good overview of what this means and how to influence it, look at Liz Vitt's blog entry here.




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