analysis service in XP

  • Hi

    i installed analysis service + sp3 on XP

    after i connect to the server i dont see any thing

    supposedly i should see a footmart db rite?

    can someone help




  • Maybe it's a problem of rights management. Analysis Services must have access rights to the folder where the repository is located (metadata) which is usually

    \Program Files\Microsoft Analysis Services\Bin

    This folder must be shareable. This is due to Windows XP security permission policies.

    Hope it will help.



  • You cannot install Analysis Services server component on XP. You can only install Analysis Services client component on Win XP. It means you must connect to any other Analysis Services installed on Windows Server to be able to use the OLAP database.


  • Sorry Hendra but Analysis Server works properly on Win XP.

  • I ran into a similar problem with XP; couldn't connect to analysis services at all. The fix for me was to install the latest sql server patch (3a?). With the patch installed, I could then connect to AS and see all relevant databases/cubes (including Foodmart).

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