Analysis Service - AdventureWorksDW database

  • I am trying to import AdventureWorksDW database into Analysis Service but it does not like the database format. what are the steps to import a database into analysis service?

  • I am guessing you are just trying to import the Datasource for AdventureWorksDW into an SSAS project, so here is one of the MSDN tutorials that walks you through how to do all of the basics. Lesson 1 walks you through defining the data source.


  • Thanks for the link.

    yes, I am trying to create PerformancePoint Reports (Dashboard, reports, charts, etc.). and I would like to use cube and therefore need to user Analysis Service.

    My understanding was to analysis service need to have it's own database before i can start creating cubes. Little lost but let me go through the link you sent.


  • Here are the steps to show existing sql server databases into analysis services


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