Analysis Server Error: Detected two sibling members with the same name:

  • This error is triggered when processing a hierarchy dimension.

    Can somebody explain me when this error is triggered ?

    If you need more information don't hesitate to reply.

    Thanks in advance.



  • Can u post the entire error message.




  • This is two siblings with either the same name or key.  The uniqueness on your levels and on the dimension itself needs to be modified if you want to allow this, alternatively, it's a message that indicates that your data in the datawarehouse may need more cleansing (well, mapping really) as are two key values that have the same description/name.  If this is based on say Customers, then you may well want to map the two customers to one.


  • Hi steve,

    i encountered this error recently. i've checked the data but there's no key which has the same name.

    For the member key column, the cube uses the ID in the fact table

    while the member name column uses the name in dimension table.

    What else can i check?

    Level 1 and level 2 for that dimension joins well.

    Please help. Thanks!

  • Can't really think of what could cause this *other* than the error message be correct and that there are two sibling members with the same name.  Can you post the exact error message that you're receiving?



  • the error is

    Analysis Server Error: Detected two sibling members with the same name: - (Customer Type L0).

    the cube is processed using incremental update but the dimension is not a shared dimension.

    any way to solve this problem?


  • I would suggest dropping and recreating the private dim. good luck

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