An invalid schema or catalog was specified for the provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server

  • Hello.

    I have one linked server from server "A" to server "B" between 2 sql server 2005 with the last service packs and actualizations, they have the same versions and same configuration (collation name, permissions in the sql services with windows domain account).

    In server A I create the linked server.

    In the server B i create the login and have permissions in two 2 databases (desnew and divcomer) in a rol who have permissions in the tables i need.

    When i try with a query like

    Select * FROM LNK.DIVCOMERCIAL.DBO.Tabledivcomer

    I receive this error message

    An invalid schema or catalog was specified for the provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "LNK".

    LNK = name of the linked server

    divcomercial = database

    tabledivcomer = table in the database divcomer

    But if i execute the next query

    Select * FROM LNK.DESNEW.DBO.Tabledesnew

    LNK = name of the linked server

    DESNEW = database

    tabledesnew = table in the database divcomer

    I receive the correct response from the server, the error doesnt ocurs.

    The login have same permisions for roles in the 2 databases.

    I prove it from other server C created the linked server with the same login, and the error is the same, for divcomer (database 1) present the error, for DESNEW (database 2) everything is allright.

    ¿What happend?

    Please help me!!!

  • Its so rare,

    I create a backup from my database, delete this database.

    Create a new database with the same specifications, and recover the backup


  • Can you confirm table name, make sure there is no special character (blank space or tab) exists at the end of “Tabledivcomer”.

    If blank space exists at the end of “Tabledivcomer”( like “Tabledivcomer ”) then select query will work for local connection (Select * from Tabledivcomer ), but through error if you execute for remote connection Select * FROM LNK.DIVCOMERCIAL.DBO.Tabledivcomer.

    In that case you can try Select * FROM LNK.DIVCOMERCIAL.DBO.[Tabledivcomer ]


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