An interesting task

  • I have a table named TB_HOLIDAY in my database. This table contains the following columns

    Column NameData TypeVALUE














    The data values represent 1 for a holiday and 0 for a normal working day.

    My task is to calculate the number of working days from a given date to another date.

    There could be records for more than 1 year.

    Every 1 in the value represents a non-working day. Every 0 represents a working day. Every 2 represents a dummy value for a day which is not present in that particular month. Every value contains 31 characters. So if a particular month has 30 days, then the 31st value is represented by a 2.

    This has to be a stored procedure.

    This is what I have written so far.

    Declare @Occurrence int

    Declare @lBusinessDays int

    Declare @lDaysDiff int

    Declare @lBalMonth varchar(1000)

    Declare @lBMonth varchar(3)

    Declare @lEMonth varchar(3)

    Declare @lSQLStat2 varchar(4000)

    Declare @lSQLStat1 varchar(4000)

    Declare @iStartDate datetime

    Declare @iEndDate datetime

    Declare @lMonth1Values varchar(31)

    Declare @lMonth2Values varchar(31)

    Declare @lBYear int

    Declare @lEYear int

    Declare @lBDay int

    Declare @lEDay int

    Declare @lValue varchar(31)

    Declare @Month1Length int

    Declare @Month2Length int

    Declare @lDays int

    Declare @lFirstDay int

    Declare @dummymonth varchar(2)

    Declare @dummyday varchar(2)

    Declare @dummyyear varchar(4)

    Declare @dummydate datetime

    Declare @lBalMonths int

    Declare @lBalYears int

    Declare @lDiffMonth int

    Set @iStartDate = '01-Aug-2003'

    Set @iEndDate = '15-Sep-2003'

    Set @lBYear = DatePart(yyyy,@iStartDate) --Starting Year

    Set @lEYear = DatePart(yyyy,@iEndDate) --Ending Year

    Set @lBMonth = SUBSTRING(DateName(mm,@iStartDate),1,3) --Starting Date Month

    Set @lEMonth = SUBSTRING(DateName(mm,@iEndDate),1,3) --Ending Date Month

    Set @lBDay = DatePart(dd,@iStartDate)

    Set @lEDay = DatePart(dd,@iEndDate)

    Set @lDaysDiff = DateDiff(dd,@iStartDate,@iEndDate)

    Set @dummyyear = Convert(varchar,@lBYear)

    Set @dummyday = Convert(varchar,@lEDay)

    Set @lDiffMonth = DateDiff(mm,@iStartDate,@iEndDate)

    Print 'The number of days difference is ' + Convert(varchar,@lDaysDiff)

    If (@lEMonth = @lBMonth) And (@lEYear = @lBYear) --The start / end dates lie in the same month of the same year


    Print 'Same Month Same Year. Easiest Option.'

    Set @lSqlStat1 = 'Declare CurMonths1 CURSOR FOR SELECT ' + Upper(@lBMonth)

    + ' FROM TB_HOLIDAY WHERE Year = ' + Convert(varchar,@lBYear)

    Exec (@lSqlStat1)

    Set @lDays = 0--Initialize the days to 0

    OPEN CurMonths1

    FETCH NEXT FROM CurMonths1 INTO @lMonth1Values



    Set @lValue = SUBSTRING(@lMonth1Values,@lBDay,@lEDay)

    Print 'String Passed To ' + @lValue

    Exec OF_SP_COUNTER @lValue,'1',@Occurrence OUTPUT

    FETCH NEXT FROM CurMonths1 INTO @lMonth1Values


    CLOSE CurMonths1

    DEALLOCATE CurMonths1

    Set @lBusinessDays = @lDaysDiff - @Occurrence

    Print 'No of Working Days' + Convert(varchar,@lBusinessDays)



    If (@lEYear = @lBYear) --Same Year


    Print 'Same Year.'

    Set @lSqlStat1 = 'Declare CurMonths1 CURSOR FOR SELECT ' + Upper(@lBMonth)

    + ' FROM TB_HOLIDAY WHERE Year = ' + Convert(varchar,@lBYear)

    Exec (@lSqlStat1)

    Set @lDays = 0--Initialize the days to 0

    Set @lFirstDay = 1 --First Day of the month is always 1

    OPEN CurMonths1

    FETCH NEXT FROM CurMonths1 INTO @lMonth1Values

    While @@FETCH_STATUS = 0


    PRINT @lMonth1Values + '~~'

    Set @Month1Length = Len(@lMonth1Values)

    Set @lValue = SUBSTRING(@lMonth1Values,@lBDay,Len(@lMonth1Values))

    Exec OF_SP_COUNTER @lValue,'1',@Occurrence OUTPUT

    Set @lDays = @lDays + @Occurrence

    FETCH NEXT FROM CurMonths1 INTO @lMonth1Values


    Print 'No of Days in the first month ' + Convert(varchar,@lDays)

    CLOSE CurMonths1

    DEALLOCATE CurMonths1

    --Now for the Ending month

    Set @lSqlStat2 = 'Declare CurMonths2 CURSOR FOR SELECT ' + Upper(@lEMonth)

    + ' FROM TB_HOLIDAY WHERE Year = ' + Convert(varchar,@lEYear)

    Exec (@lSqlStat2)

    OPEN CurMonths2

    FETCH NEXT FROM CurMonths2 INTO @lMonth2Values

    While @@FETCH_STATUS = 0


    --PRINT @lMonth2Values + '~Month 2 Values'

    Set @Month2Length = Len(@lMonth2Values)

    WHILE @lFirstDay <= @lEday /* Increment the first day till the End Day */


    --Print 'End Day ' + Convert(Varchar,@lEDay)

    Set @lValue = SUBSTRING(@lMonth2Values,@lFirstDay,@lEDay)

    --PRINT 'Got The Value --> ' + @lValue

    If SUBSTRING(@lValue,1,1) = '1'


    Set @lDays = @lDays + 1 /* Increment for 1 found */


    Set @lFirstDay = @lFirstDay + 1


    FETCH NEXT FROM CurMonths2 INTO @lMonth2Values


    CLOSE CurMonths2

    DEALLOCATE CurMonths2

    Set @lBalMonths = DateDiff(mm,@iStartdate,@iEndDate)

    Print 'Balance Months -- ' +Convert(varchar,@lBalMonths)

    Set @lBalMonths = @lBalMonths - 1 --Subtract Beginning Month

    Set @lSqlStat1 = 'SELECT '

    if @lBalMonths >= 2 --Check if gap is more than or equal to 2 months

    Begin --Check if the balance months are more than 2

    Print 'Gap is more than or equal to 2 months. Same Year.' + Convert(varchar,@lBalMonths)

    Set @lSqlStat2 = '' --Nullify the string

    While @lBalMonths != 0


    --1 Added For Compensating the ending month

    Set @dummymonth = Convert(varchar,@lBalMonths + Datepart(mm,@iStartDate))

    --Adding 2 is essential to ensure counting from correct date

    Set @dummydate = Convert(datetime,@dummyday + '/'+ @dummymonth + '/' + @dummyyear,103)

    Set @lSqlStat2 = @lSqlStat2 + UPPER(SUBSTRING(DateName(mm,@dummydate),1,3)) + '+'

    Set @lBalMonths = @lBalMonths - 1

    Print '@lBalMonths - ' + Convert(varchar,@lBalMonths)


    --End Of String Comma Removal

    Set @lSqlStat2 = SUBSTRING(@lSqlStat2,1,Len(@lSqlStat2)-1)

    Set @lSqlStat1 = @lSqlStat1 + @lSqlStat2 + ' FROM TB_HOLIDAY WHERE YEAR = '

    + Convert(varchar,@lEYear)

    Print @lSqlStat1

    Set @lSqlStat1 = 'Declare BalMonths Cursor FOR ' + @lSqlStat1

    Exec (@lSqlStat1)

    Open BalMonths

    FETCH NEXT FROM BalMonths INTO @lBalMonth



    Exec OF_SP_COUNTER @lBalMonth,'1',@Occurrence OUTPUT

    Set @lDays = @lDays + @Occurrence

    FETCH NEXT FROM BalMonths INTO @lBalMonth


    CLOSE BalMonths

    DEALLOCATE BalMonths

    End --If gap is 2 or more months

    Else --If gap is only 1 month


    Print 'Gap is equal to 1 month. Same Year.'

    Set @lSqlStat2 = '' --Nullify the string

    Set @dummyday = 1

    Set @dummyyear = @lEYear

    Set @dummymonth = Convert(varchar,@lBMonth) --Next Month Should be after the current month

    Set @dummydate = Convert(datetime,@dummyday + '/'+ @dummymonth + '/' + @dummyyear,103)

    Set @lSqlStat2 = @lSqlStat2 + UPPER(SUBSTRING(DateName(mm,@dummydate),1,3)) + '+'

    --End Of String Comma Removal

    Set @lSqlStat2 = SUBSTRING(@lSqlStat2,1,Len(@lSqlStat2)-1)

    Set @lSqlStat1 = @lSqlStat1 + @lSqlStat2 + ' FROM TB_HOLIDAY WHERE YEAR = '

    + Convert(varchar,@lEYear)

    Print @lSqlStat1

    Set @lSqlStat1 = 'Declare BalMonths Cursor FOR ' + @lSqlStat1

    Exec (@lSqlStat1)

    Open BalMonths

    FETCH NEXT FROM BalMonths INTO @lBalMonth



    Exec OF_SP_COUNTER @lBalMonth,'1',@Occurrence OUTPUT

    Set @lDays = @lDays + @Occurrence

    FETCH NEXT FROM BalMonths INTO @lBalMonth


    CLOSE BalMonths

    DEALLOCATE BalMonths


    End --Same Year / Different Months

  • Is there a question you are asking? Not quite sure what you're looking for...Are you asking whether there is a simpler way of determining the number of days between a holiday?

    One question...

    Why are you storing the values in a varchar datatype? Why not store the dates in a smalldatetime field? You could structure the table like so:



    , then populate it with the actual dates of the holidays. It seems to me with this structure it would be easier to do DATE arithmetic. To solve the problem of the non-working days, you could either make another table to cross-reference in a query that comprises the non-working days, or use the day of week in the DATE arithmetic to filter out Saturdays and Sundays.

    Hope I'm on the right track. Let me know...

  • Well my friend, the reason the dates are stored the way they are stored, is L E G A C Y

    I do not have an interface to insert the holidays and for the user it would mean just another maintainence job. I am not authorised to do any further changes. However I could probably write a trigger which would populate the holiday dates in another table. That is certainly possible.

    The existing table TB_HOLIDAY is used by a lot of VB programs, so it would not be possible to make any changes to it.

    I want to know what I have written is going to work for all possible cases where the year is the same.



  • Here is another way to do it which looks a bit simpler.

    declare @StartDate datetime,

    @EndDate datetime

    set @StartDate = '20030115'

    set @EndDate = '20030120'

    declare@Year int,

    @Calender char(372),

    @PreDays int,

    @PostDays int,

    @WorkingDays int,

    @NonWorkingDays int,

    @DummyDays int,

    @Counter int,

    @Day char(1)

    set @WorkingDays = 0

    set @NonWorkingDays = 0

    set @DummyDays = 0

    declare calender cursor local for


    Jan + Feb + Mar + Apr + May + Jun + Jul + Aug + Sep + Oct + Nov + Dec


    whereYear between datepart(yy, @StartDate) and datepart(yy, @EndDate)

    open calender

    fetch next from calender into @Year, @Calender

    while @@fetch_status = 0


    if datepart(yy, @StartDate) = @Year


    -- trim preceeding days from @Calender

    set @PreDays = ((datepart(mm, @StartDate) - 1) * 31) + (datepart(dd, @StartDate) - 1)

    set @Calender = right(@Calender, len(@Calender) - @PreDays)


    if datepart(yy, @EndDate) = @Year


    -- trim post days from @Calender

    set @PostDays = ((12 - datepart(mm, @EndDate)) * 31) + (31 - datepart(dd, @EndDate))

    set @Calender = left(@Calender, len(@Calender) - @PostDays)


    set @Counter = 1

    while @Counter < len(@Calender)


    set @Day = substring(@Calender, @Counter, 1)

    if @Day = '0'

    set @WorkingDays = @WorkingDays + 1

    if @Day = '1'

    set @NonWorkingDays = @NonWorkingDays + 1

    if @Day = '2'

    set @DummyDays = @DummyDays + 1

    set @Counter = @Counter + 1


    fetch next from calender into @Year, @Calender


    close calender

    deallocate calender

    select@WorkingDays as WorkingDays,

    @NonWorkingDays as NonWorkingDays,

    @DummyDays as DummyDays

  • Paul's script does indeed look simpler, however, I don't see any OF_SP_COUNTER call in it. Is this procedure essential, or can you add it to Paul's script...

  • Thanks a lot Paul, I am still testing out that script.

    OF_SP_COUNTER is a generic procedure which counts for the occurrence of a character in a particular string. For e.g -'JPIPES','P' will return 2 since there are 2 P's in that string. We use it for a lot of stuff. However its not essential over here.



  • well0549 your solution will only work for SQL2000 and I have no idea which version abhi_develops is currently using.

    Everyone seems to be knocking how this data is stored but thinking about it can anyone else think of a better way to stored information for every day of the year using a total of only 376 bytes? You could substitute the 0,1,2 for any alphanumeric which gives you the ability of storing any number of single statuses for days of the year. (This one will probably open a can of worms!)

  • Paul,

    be creative...

    If a memtable doesn't work.....

    Use a temp table.....

    Solution is still the best......

  • .....if a temp table, just look at all that IO!!!

  • Minor correction to my code, the line below....

    while @Counter < len(@Calender)

    ...should read......

    while @Counter <= len(@Calender)

    ....sorry abhi_develops

  • Paul,

    A couple of commets on your assumptions.....

    We don't know if the poster of this thread uses 7. If he uses 2000, I think my solution is the best yet, because it is short and easy to maintain.

    Even if he has SQL 7 we don't know what kind of harddisk he has. And all that IO ... Is this really true....(Is nothing bufferd somewhere.....) I think the server would write a few pages in Tempdb. (Remember that it is not much data !!!!!!!!) ( I could be wrong here but don't think so...... )

    Furthermore, Please let the poster decide if something works or not.....

  • well0549,

    I do not believe that I said your code would not work. The reason I made the comment regarding SQL2000 was that abhi_develops's initial post states that this has to be a stored procedure (this could imply that functions (i.e. SQL2000) is not available to him.

    I have also carried out some comparisions on one of our development servers to compare your code and my own.

    Your code (memtable) took 2443ms.

    Your code (temp table) took 3866ms.

    My code (as post) took 10ms.

    Please feel free to compare them for yourself, I think that all the code you need is in the posts here.

  • The performance of my code could be further improved by using a STATIC cursor. This performance gain would be most evident when the date ranges spanned multiple years since all the data for the cursor is returned in a single operation instead of each FETCH.

    BTW I know I spelt calendar wrong in my code....WHOOPS!

  • What about this option? Is this a simple, easy to follow method? The only problem with this solution is it will only handle a span of 21 years between start and end date.


    drop table holiday


    create TABLE holiday

    (YEAR INT,

    JAN VARCHAR(31),

    FEB VARCHAR(31),

    MAR VARCHAR(31),

    APR VARCHAR(31),

    MAY VARCHAR(31),

    JUN VARCHAR(31),

    JUL VARCHAR(31),

    AUG VARCHAR(31),

    SEP VARCHAR(31),

    OCT VARCHAR(31),

    NOV VARCHAR(31),

    DEC VARCHAR(31))

    -- STUFF SOME DATA IN IT ........








































    declare @dt1 datetime

    declare @dt2 datetime

    declare @m1 int

    declare @d1 int

    declare @y1 int

    declare @m2 int

    declare @d2 int

    declare @y2 int

    declare @h1 char(8000)

    -- start date

    set @dt1 = '01/01/2001'

    -- end date

    set @dt2 = '01/01/2003'

    set @m1 = datepart(mm,@dt1)

    set @y1 = datepart(yy,@dt1)

    set @d1 = datepart(dd,@dt1)

    set @m2 = datepart(mm,@dt2)

    set @y2 = datepart(yy,@dt2)

    set @d2 = datepart(dd,@dt2)

    set @h1 = ''

    -- put together all years

    select @h1 = rtrim(@h1) + jan+feb+mar+apr+may+jun+jul+aug+sep+oct+nov+dec from holiday

    where year >= @y1 and year <= @y2

    -- truncate beginning and end of holidays based on start and end date

    set @h1=substring(@h1,(@m1-1)*31+@d1,(((@y2-@y1)* 372)+(@m2-1)*31+@d2)-((@m1-1)*31+@d1)+1)

    -- remove non-work dayse

    set @h1=replace(replace(@h1,'1',''),'2','')

    print 'The number of work days is: ' + cast(len(@h1) as cha

    Gregory Larsen, DBA

    If you looking for SQL Server Examples check out my website at

    Gregory A. Larsen, MVP

  • Commenting on paul.....

    I don't know what kind of server you have but on my laptop.....

    for a 10 year period I came to 120 for yours and 450 for mine...

    so approx 4 times faster. But I don't get the big difference

    you got.....

    But I think Gregs solution is the best.....

    ( simple fast )

    And because of that I removed my solution....

    Edited by - well0549 on 02/11/2003 09:21:10 AM

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