Amounts cancel out

  • I have data that looks like this (ignore the dashes):

    Invoice# --- InvoiceAmount

    47730 --- 39,843.45

    47730 --- 492.06

    47730 --- -45,022.05

    47730 --- 4,686.54

    47730 --- 39,843.63

    I want to keep the last line and remove line 1 thru 4. The logic is that the negative number must equal the sum of the positive numbers for that invoice number and what is left does not get removed. How can I do this?

    I would have a new table with :

    Invoice# --- InvoiceAmount

    47730 --- 39,843.63

  • I made an my original request the positive amount does equal the negative amount and those records get removed.

  • What happens when the positive amount won't equal the negative amount?

    Do you want a balance or just to eliminate certain amounts that won't change the calculation?

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • If the positive amounts don't equal the negative amount then nothing happens, those amounts get added to the new table. I want to create a new table with the amounts left over after the negative amount that equals the positive amounts are removed from the query.

  • I figured out the query that works for me:

    Select S1.*

    Into AS_Workspace.dbo.StdPmt_InvAmt_SUM_Removed

    From FSW_NZ_JDE_Apr05_Sep12_C.dbo.StdPmt as S1

    Inner join ( Select VndNbr, InvNbr, Sum(InvAmt) as InvAmt_Sum

    From FSW_NZ_JDE_Apr05_Sep12_C.dbo.StdPmt

    Group By VndNbr, InvNbr) as S2

    ON S1.InvNbr = S2.InvNbr

    AND S1.VndNbr = S2.VndNbr

    AND S1.InvAmt = S2.InvAmt_Sum

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