America bombs UK!!

  • Just heard on the news (08:00 13th January 2004)  an American jet has just bombed a Yorkshire farm house.

    This may be the only successful method of getting a free drink in Lancashire


  • Wish they would have targeted Bramall Lane

    "I didn't do anything it just got complicated" - M Edwards

  • They probably did

  • Sure, that this is not an old radio interview with Ronald Reagan, which recently was discovered again?

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Sold too much black pudding and warm beer to the US ??? 

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • I heard a rumor they thought Osama was hiding in a hole there...

  • Poor sod would blend in, but his dialysis machine might stand out a bit.

    Personally, I believe that 90% of Al Queada are living in the London area, probably in flats vacated by the ex IRA.

    I thought the last Conservative government shut virtually every hole in the ground north of Watford!

    Anyone read "Hey Dude! Where's my country" by Micheal Moore?

  • Michael Moore? Stupid white men? Got the book, but didn't manage to read it yet.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • "Hey Dude, Where's My Country?" is excellent.  And rent a copy of "Bowling For Columbine" while you're at it.

    How hard is it to emigrate to the UK if you're from the US?  If Bush gets elected again I may have to jump ship.


    Connecticut, USA

  • I thought at the next election it will be :

    Hasta la vista, Bush

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • We can hope. At least it was only a practice bomb right? I guess it proved its point, we need more practice.

  • I've read "Stupid White Men" and seen "Bowling for Columbine",  which for some reason is billed as a "comedy" rather than tragedy.

    As I get older and ever more cynical I am increasingly of the opinion that 99.9% of the worlds population are fundamentally decent.

    The 0.1% are managers cocking it up for the rest of us.

    For a test of incompetence you will need

    • A log
    • A black hole
    • The test subject.

    1. Place subject on log
    2. Place log over black hole.
    3. Push subject off log.
    4. Wait until subject is close enough to black hole to observe the Casimir effect.
    5. If subject misses said black hole elect them to high political office.  They are either too greasy or too incompetent for normal activities.

    Another way of looking at management is to imagine that you are working on a building site and discover that you have an urgent need for a pound of nails.

    You send the site gopher (management) round the corner to the hardware stored with £10 to buy said nails.

    3 days later they will come back with half the nails that you needed asking for another £5.  On investigation you will find that they are the wrong sort of nails and the gopher has eaten your lunch.

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