ambiguous column name problem

  • Hi everyone

    I think I have painted myself into a corner here. I have a reporting application, with a lot of dynamic SQL in the code to allow the users lots of flexible choices. I have a WHERE clause builder that is used to provide the WHERE clause for a number of different reports. I have a couple of tables that have identical column names lets say tableA.status and tableB.status. My WHERE clause thus includes 'WHERE tableA.status = ' to avoid the ambiguous col name error that would occurr if I just used 'WHERE status = '

    However, when I want to use the same WHERE clause against a view I get 'multi-part identifier cannot be bound' because in the view, tableA.status just appears as 'status'

    So - is there some subtle syntax I can use to combine these two? Or do I have to go all the way back and rename the column? Or generate two side by side WHERE clauses, one with qualified column names and one without?

    Suggestions welcome!



  • No, you can alias your columns.

    So where you know the column names returned are the same in each table you can us the as to alias the column

    I know your doing this in dynamic sql, but this is just the final output example

    select Table1.stats as Table1Status, Table2.Status as Table2Status.

    From Table1, Table2

    Where ........

  • in case of view, u have to use it viewname.column name then it will b ok

  • as you have noticed, SQLServer does not work like MSaccess :sick:

    As suggested by the previous responders, using columaliasses in your view will be the only solution. (view column names must be unique).

    Also keep in mind only columns in the select clause of the view definition will be available for use if you use that view !


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  • Thanks guys. I think my question could have been a bit clearer, but essentially I'm getting the message - 'Yes, you have painted yourself into a corner'

    Aliasing the columns doesn't work, because the WHERE clause 'looks behind' the alias to see the actual column name - ie in my example if I were to change the SELECT clause to ' . ..tableA.status AS Astatus. . .', a WHERE clause of the form 'WHERE status = 3' would still be detected as ambiguous, and a WHERE clause of the form 'WHERE Astatus = 3' would fail with 'invalid column name'

    Which leaves me with either a rename of the column in the base table followed by a lot of search and replace followed by a lot of bugs, or the horrible kludge of stripping out the table names from the WHERE clause when it's used against the view, which right now is looking like the least worst option.


  • This is just a possible solution, but what if you aliased your table names? Like "table1 as a", "table2 as b". Could you work that into your solution by then aliasing your view as "a"?

    That's probably a long shot, but without seeing everything it's the best I've got. 😀


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