September 7, 2018 at 7:21 pm
We have 2 replicas(replica 1 and replica 2) with AlwaysOn configured, one in each subnet, Lets say Subnet A and Subnet B
I have added listener with 2 ip address and it is working fine.
now we have a requirement where we need to add 2 additional replicas(replica 3 and replica 4) in Subnet C
The plan is to get rid of Subnet A : Replica 1
Network administrators want us to use same ip address of Subnet A on Subnet C
I am confused here because I don't know how can I failover to Replica 3 without adding the new Subnet IP OF C?
Any help is appreciated
September 9, 2018 at 8:21 pm
SQLAddict01 - Friday, September 7, 2018 7:21 PMWe have 2 replicas(replica 1 and replica 2) with AlwaysOn configured, one in each subnet, Lets say Subnet A and Subnet B
I have added listener with 2 ip address and it is working we have a requirement where we need to add 2 additional replicas(replica 3 and replica 4) in Subnet C
The plan is to get rid of Subnet A : Replica 1
Network administrators want us to use same ip address of Subnet A on Subnet C
I am confused here because I don't know how can I failover to Replica 3 without adding the new Subnet IP OF C?Any help is appreciated
Question is little confusion. How can you use IP from Subnet A on Subnet C if subnets are different ?
September 10, 2018 at 9:00 am
I agree with curious, believe your confusion is justified. If they intend to use same address in different subnet, then what is their definition of "different subnet?" Seems to me like an impossibility, unless new subnet C is a superset of (includes) existing subnet A. If that's the case then maybe your task is easy? I am not sure, have never run into this.
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