November 11, 2019 at 1:19 pm
Hello everyone,
I have in My PC a Windows 10 home edition , and i want to configure always on for practice.
There is any way to do it in my PC? maybe with Virtual Machine?
Thanks (:
November 11, 2019 at 2:53 pm
This is in the 2008 forum, is it meant to be? If not, which version of SQL will you be using? You usually need a cluster.
November 11, 2019 at 2:58 pm
Yes, you can do it using something like VirtualBox on your PC - but you'll need to have plenty of RAM and spare disk space. There are various tutorials / walkthroughs of how to create this sort of environment, as this google search will show.
As m'learned colleague has pointed out, though, this is a SQL2008 section that you've posted in - you'll need to use a more modern version of SQL Server in order to do this. I recommend the developer edition of SQL Server 2017 - it's free - or you could just use an evaluation licence of SQL Server 2019 enterprise edition; combine that with evaluation of Windows 2016, and you're looking at over 100GB free disk space required for the downloads and VMs and I wouldn't consider doing this on anything with less than 32GB RAM.
Good luck!
Thomas Rushton
November 11, 2019 at 3:45 pm
Yes, you can do it using something like VirtualBox on your PC - but you'll need to have plenty of RAM and spare disk space. There are various tutorials / walkthroughs of how to create this sort of environment, as this google search will show.
As m'learned colleague has pointed out, though, this is a SQL2008 section that you've posted in - you'll need to use a more modern version of SQL Server in order to do this. I recommend the developer edition of SQL Server 2017 - it's free - or you could just use an evaluation licence of SQL Server 2019 enterprise edition; combine that with evaluation of Windows 2016, and you're looking at over 100GB free disk space required for the downloads and VMs and I wouldn't consider doing this on anything with less than 32GB RAM.
Good luck!
You say that you'd need "plenty of RAM" for this.. Do you have an estimate of how much RAM that might be?
--Jeff Moden
Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.
November 13, 2019 at 10:02 am
Yes, you can do it using something like VirtualBox on your PC - but you'll need to have plenty of RAM and spare disk space. There are various tutorials / walkthroughs of how to create this sort of environment, as this google search will show.
As m'learned colleague has pointed out, though, this is a SQL2008 section that you've posted in - you'll need to use a more modern version of SQL Server in order to do this. I recommend the developer edition of SQL Server 2017 - it's free - or you could just use an evaluation licence of SQL Server 2019 enterprise edition; combine that with evaluation of Windows 2016, and you're looking at over 100GB free disk space required for the downloads and VMs and I wouldn't consider doing this on anything with less than 32GB RAM.
Good luck!
I have in My computer has 16GB of RAM, and 300GB of free disk space.
Do you think that will Good?
I'm using SQL Server 2017 version.
November 13, 2019 at 12:59 pm
16 Gig is fine. for three servers, i would say you need 3-4 gig per server, i've done 1 core / 2 gig per server, but they are painfully slow, even with pure SSD storage
In my case, my minimal setup for Always on is three servers. A domain controller and two servers for the cluster, as that really emulates rea world conditions
try with 2 cores and 4 gig of ram per server until everything is set up, then reduce the Primary domain controller to 2 gig of ram, as it is only doing dhcp/dns/Active directory for the two servers in the cluster.
November 15, 2019 at 2:49 pm
16 Gig is fine. for three servers, i would say you need 3-4 gig per server, i've done 1 core / 2 gig per server, but they are painfully slow, even with pure SSD storage
In my case, my minimal setup for Always on is three servers. A domain controller and two servers for the cluster, as that really emulates rea world conditions
try with 2 cores and 4 gig of ram per server until everything is set up, then reduce the Primary domain controller to 2 gig of ram, as it is only doing dhcp/dns/Active directory for the two servers in the cluster.
Thank you very much.
So just to understand, if I have three servers, one server is for DC, and the other two servers will be SQL servers. Do I need to physically download the SQL installation file on the sql server and install on each server?
November 15, 2019 at 3:02 pm
briefly, the way I have been doing it is as follows:
the VM will have access to a virtual folder form the host that you share, ie Z:\Shared, so you put your sql installation media there, or you can mount the iso as if it was the CD on each host. both get the media from teh host, so no duplicate downloads.
create a Virtual Machine with a 180 day trial version of Windows operating system, ie windows 2016.
Install all my favorite software(NotePad++, Visual Studio, SSMS, etc). Myself, i have a pretty extended list of favorite tools.
that will be my base for all three machines.
Clone that image three times to be the Primary Domain controller (ie PDC01, CLUS01 and CLUS02)
linked clones are much smaller, full clones means full copies, so you need lots of disk space.~50G each, vs 60G for for original + 3 linked clones.
On each of the three VMs, run the c:\Windows32\sysprep\sysprep.exe to change to a new, random SIDs on each machine. otherwise when you join them to teh domain, you get machine already exists errors..
On Each of the three machines, give them a new name, assign static IP's to each machine and reboot. i usually use for the DC, and and for the planned cluster nodes, and will assign as the virtual cluster IP.
On the PDC, install Active directory, . Create A new domain, ie domain = or Nivs719.local for example. {{yourName}.local is what i recommend in our lab examples in my user group
ON Cluster01 and 02,join them to the domain and reboot them, then install failover Cluster manager.
create the cluster.
on each Cluster Node, install SQL2016/17/19 as a new instance.
add the AAG.
December 3, 2019 at 9:43 am
install VMware workstation/player and create 3 notes on top of it.. then you can configure always and test as much you..
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