Always On - Availability Group setup Wizard failed.

  • Hello All,

    New Availability Group setup wizard on SQL 2014 failed as the disk containing shared backup files failed and hence I am stuck with a database on the Secondary Replica in Restoring Mode which has not completed the restore as yet.

    How do I restart the process of rebuilding the secondary replica?  Do I have to get rid of the Availability group and redo it?
    Any instructions & links on this will be highly appreciated.

    Kind Regards,

  • If this is a brand new AG it is probably best to just delete the AG and restoring db on the secondary and start over from scratch.

    What do you mean about the backup share failed though? Did the share lose connectivity while it was restoring, or did it just fail when it went to do the restore from the share? Do all the replicas that will be a part of the AG have permissions to the backup share?

    Joie Andrew
    "Since 1982"

  • Hi Joie,
    Thank you for your reply. This is a brand new AG that was being built using the wizard and the share where backups are stored lost connectivity while the database restore was about to complete.

    Are the following steps correct to recover in the above scenario -
    1) Drop AG from Primary -  & 
    2) Delete database from Secondary replica which I assume will be left in restoring state.
    3) Rebuild AG using Wizard.

    Dropping AG drops the listener and all other configuration therefore would the above be correct to follow? The only thing I am unsure of is if the availability group gets deleted from secondary replica when it is deleted from Primary or would there be some other steps required.

    Thank you for all your help and advice.
    Kind Regards
    Kailash Kanaya.

  • Yep, that sounds right. If you delete the AG it should delete the AG configuration from all replicas. You are correct that you will have to remove the database on the secondary. It should be left in a restoring state.

    Joie Andrew
    "Since 1982"

  • Hi Joie,

    I have resolved the above issue by following your instructions therefore thank you for all your help and guidance.

    Kind Regards,
    Kailash Kanaya.

  • Cool. Glad you got your issue resolved. And thanks for updating the thread to let others know the fix.

    Joie Andrew
    "Since 1982"

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