Alternatively change the colour for the rows of a group

  • In a report of invoices grouped by customer I want to put alternatively the colour to the rows of each custumer.

    I get to put the colour to the first row of each customer with:

    =IIF(Fields!Field1.Value<>Previous(Fields!Field1.Value), "Black", "White")

    but I want to put the same color for all the rows of the customer.

    Some ideas?

    Kind regards.


  • hmm... let me get this straight. You want to use the same color for all rows of a customer. For example: Green for everything belonging to customer A, Blue for everything belonging to customer B, etc?

    If so, I would assume Field1.Value is not the customer name, because I would think that using the customer name would at least alternate between black and white for each customer.

    So my idea would be to use that code with the customer name, and not Field1. I hope this helps.

  • No, the field1 it's the customer's code.

    Exactly I want the records of customer 1 in blue, the next customer in black, the next in blue, the next in black, and so on....

  • Try this

    =iif(RowNumber(Nothing) Mod 2,"White","PeachPuff")

  • Ramon,

    Assuming that any given customer can have any number of invoices I'd try this.


    countdistinct,nothing) mod 2,"Blue","Black")


  • Thank you very much Mike.

    It works fine.

    You have a friend in Spain forever....


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