Alternative to SQL Mail

  • Hi

    I have finally given up with SQL mail, due to the fact I do not trust it. I have managed to get it to work intermitently on 3 out of 10 servers.

    Can anyone suggest an application that will monitor all my scheduled jobs and then fire off an e-mail when one fails? Also, I would like an app with a GUI interface, so I can view the current state of my servers from one central point.

    I was impressed with Spotlight, however it does not have the capability of e-mailing me, when a scheduled job fails. Plus, it was eating up the office 2 meg line, when connecting to our servers off-site!

    Any suggestions would be much appreciated.


  • A good time back I ran into an free application developed by Denis Ducasse which can be used to send e-mails via SMTP (SQL 7/2000).  The application is easy to install (and remove).  I have successfully used his application without problem in an environment which supported multiple Sql Servers.

    Denis says:

      This code can be freely modified and distributed. If you

      improve it (and there's room to improve !), please send it to me.

    If you are interested, let me know and I will send you a document describing how to use and implement along with it's DLL.


    Gary Andrews




    Use the on step failure/success options to direct to do different paths on the jobs steps. In case of failure fire off an SMTP email.

    K. Brian Kelley

  • I did exactly what Brian suggested with great success!!!

    Thanks Brian for pointing out this helpful aid.

    Gary Andrews



  • It appears there is an alternative of which I was not aware called: 

    XPSMTP.DLL - SQL Server SMTP Mail XP


    Please visit following website for information on this product.



    I believe this was the application Brian was referring to in his reply and not the application I mentioned.


    However, Brian's reply works for both applications.


    Gary Andrews


  • There is blat, was this what you were using? The advantage of xpsmtp is you can make a call from within a T-SQL batch without resorting to xp_cmdshell. So it has uses as a closer replacement to xp mail extended stored procedures.

    K. Brian Kelley

  • I use rkmail.  All I have to do is register the dll, add a couple store procs and my alert e-mails are ready to go.  I manage over 50 servers many of which are 7.  I wanted a solution for both rather than having to think about two. 

    Whatever works though.

  • Just create a little wrapper around the below and you are cool. Works on any late-model Windows OS.



    Set objMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message")                                                             

    objMessage.Subject = "Status file"                                  

    objMessage.TextBody = "See the below"                                   


    objMessage.Sender = ""                                                          

    objMessage.From = ""                                                            

    objMessage.To = ""                                                             


    objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item _                                                                    

    ("") = 2                                          

    objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item _                                                                    

    ("") = ""               

    objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item _                                                                    

    ("") = 25                                   





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