Alternative to replace the cursor

  • Hi,

    I have written a function to retrieve a comma separated vaues of a column into my SSRS report.

    I have used a cursor for this purpose.

    Is there any alternate code to avoid cursor in my function?

    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_GetPrecautionaryStatementCodes]


    @MaterialItemContainerCode nvarchar(1000)





    -- Declare variables

    DECLARE @precautionaryStatementCursor CURSOR

    DECLARE @precautionaryStatementCode NVARCHAR(50)

    DECLARE @precautionaryStatementCodes NVARCHAR(MAX)

    SET @precautionaryStatementCursor = CURSOR FOR

    SELECT DISTINCT PS.precautionaryStatementCode FROM dbo.Local_PrecautionaryStatements PS

    INNER JOIN dbo.Local_MaterialsItemsPrecautionaryStatements MIPS

    ON PS.precautionaryStatementIncId = MIPS.precautionaryStatementIncId AND PS.precautionaryStatementSqlId = MIPS.precautionaryStatementSqlId

    INNER JOIN Local_MaterialsItems MI

    ON MI.materialItemIncId = MIPS.materialItemIncId AND MI.materialItemSqlId = MIPS.materialItemSqlId

    INNER JOIN Local_MaterialsItemsContainers MIC

    ON MIC.materialItemIncId = MI.materialItemIncId AND MIC.materialItemSqlId = MI.materialItemSqlId

    WHERE charindex(MIC.materialItemContainerCode,@MaterialItemContainerCode)<>0 AND MIC.isDeleted=0x0

    SET @precautionaryStatementCodes = ''

    -- Code

    OPEN @precautionaryStatementCursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM @precautionaryStatementCursor INTO @precautionaryStatementCode



    IF(@precautionaryStatementCodes <> '')

    SET @precautionaryStatementCodes = @precautionaryStatementCodes + ', '

    SET @precautionaryStatementCodes = @precautionaryStatementCodes + @precautionaryStatementCode

    FETCH NEXT FROM @precautionaryStatementCursor INTO @precautionaryStatementCode


    CLOSE @precautionaryStatementCursor

    RETURN @precautionaryStatementCodes




    Deja View - The strange feeling that somewhere, sometime you've optimised this query before

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  • There are a number of ways to do this without a cursor. Here's a great article:

    Concatenating Row Values in Transact-SQL[/url]

    You could use the FOR XML PATH method and rewrite your Scalar Valued function like this:

    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_GetPrecautionaryStatementCodes]


    @MaterialItemContainerCode nvarchar(1000)


    RETURNS nvarchar(MAX) --CHANGE TO nvarchar(4000) if you can get away with it




    SELECT DISTINCT PS.precautionaryStatementCode

    FROM dbo.Local_PrecautionaryStatements PS

    INNER JOIN dbo.Local_MaterialsItemsPrecautionaryStatements MIPS

    ON PS.precautionaryStatementIncId = MIPS.precautionaryStatementIncId AND PS.precautionaryStatementSqlId = MIPS.precautionaryStatementSqlId

    INNER JOIN Local_MaterialsItems MI

    ON MI.materialItemIncId = MIPS.materialItemIncId AND MI.materialItemSqlId = MIPS.materialItemSqlId

    INNER JOIN Local_MaterialsItemsContainers MIC

    ON MIC.materialItemIncId = MI.materialItemIncId AND MIC.materialItemSqlId = MI.materialItemSqlId

    WHERE charindex(MIC.materialItemContainerCode,@MaterialItemContainerCode)<>0 AND MIC.isDeleted=0x0

    FOR XML PATH('')))


    ...or, you could make it a inline table valued function which will likely perform quicker like this.

    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_GetPrecautionaryStatementCodes]


    @MaterialItemContainerCode nvarchar(max) --AGAIN >> CHANGE TO nvarchar(4000) if you can get away with it






    (SELECT DISTINCT PS.precautionaryStatementCode

    FROM dbo.Local_PrecautionaryStatements PS

    INNER JOIN dbo.Local_MaterialsItemsPrecautionaryStatements MIPS

    ON PS.precautionaryStatementIncId = MIPS.precautionaryStatementIncId AND PS.precautionaryStatementSqlId = MIPS.precautionaryStatementSqlId

    INNER JOIN Local_MaterialsItems MI

    ON MI.materialItemIncId = MIPS.materialItemIncId AND MI.materialItemSqlId = MIPS.materialItemSqlId

    INNER JOIN Local_MaterialsItemsContainers MIC

    ON MIC.materialItemIncId = MI.materialItemIncId AND MIC.materialItemSqlId = MI.materialItemSqlId

    WHERE charindex(MIC.materialItemContainerCode,@MaterialItemContainerCode)<>0 AND MIC.isDeleted=0x0

    FOR XML PATH('')

    ) AS precautionaryStatementCodes



    This is a table valued function but, depending on how you need to use this function, can work exactly like a Scalar valued function. The value would be retrieved from the scalar valued function the same way you use it now (SELECT [dbo].[fn_GetPrecautionaryStatementCodes]('<param value>') with the inline table valued version you would retrieve the value like this: [SELECT * FROM dbo.fn_GetPrecautionaryStatementCodes('<param value>')'.

    Here's a good article about what I am doing here: How to Make Scalar UDFs Run Faster (SQL Spackle)[/url]

    Note, there will be a comma at the end of the returned value. This can be quickly fixed but I have run out of time ;)...

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001

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