Alternative to cursor

  • Hi,

    I wonder if I could get your advice.

    I've been working on reporting data and I have been asked to retrieve the TOP 10 records per person for a given set of data.

    I think this sort of thing may have been raised before so please forgive me for repeating the issue.

    Here is my code

    declare @part int

    declare part_data cursor

    for SELECT DISTINCT StaffIndex

    FROM tblEngagement INNER JOIN tblstaff ON ClientPartner = staffindex

    where staffindex > 0 AND Stafforganisation = 1

    open part_data

    fetch next from part_data into @part

    while (@@fetch_status = 0)


      SELECT TOP 10 staffname,clientcode, clientname,sum(DebtAmount) AS  DebtTotal

      FROM tbl_Billsfortheyear INNER JOIN tblStaff ON staffindex = Partner

      WHERE Partner = @Part

      group by clientcode, clientname,staffname

      order by sum(DebtAmount) DESC

      fetch next from part_data into @part


    CLOSE part_data

    deallocate part_data

    I have had to first filter out a group of people then pass each persons index into a procedure to find the TOP 10 for that person.

    As you can see I am using a cursor, but I wondered if this could be done more efficiently (avoiding cursors).

    Many Thanks


  • I usually use sub-queries:

    select t10.Partner, t10.staffname, t10.clientcode, t10.clientname, t10.DebtTotal


      (SELECT TOP 10 Partner, staffname,clientcode, clientname,sum(DebtAmount) AS  DebtTotal

      FROM tbl_Billsfortheyear INNER JOIN tblStaff ON staffindex = Partner

      group by Partner, clientcode, clientname,staffname

      order by sum(DebtAmount) DESC) t10 inner join


      SELECT DISTINCT StaffIndex

    FROM tblEngagement INNER JOIN tblstaff ON ClientPartner = staffindex

    where staffindex > 0 AND Stafforganisation = 1

      ) lst

      on t10.Partner = lst.StaffIndex


    Russel Loski, MCSD

    Russel Loski, MCSE Business Intelligence, Data Platform

  • Russel thanks for that.

    That still only returns 10 records.

    My routine returns 10 records per staffindex. So if my select distinct staffindex statement returns 10 rows, I should end up with 100 records.

    Any thoughts.


  • Change This on Russel's query:

    select t10.Partner, t10.staffname, t10.clientcode, t10.clientname, t10.DebtTotal


      (SELECT TOP 10 Partner, staffname,clientcode, clientname,sum(DebtAmount) AS  DebtTotal

      FROM tbl_Billsfortheyear INNER JOIN tblStaff ON staffindex = Partner

      group by Partner, clientcode, clientname,staffname

      order by sum(DebtAmount) DESC) t10 Right outer join 


      SELECT DISTINCT StaffIndex

    FROM tblEngagement INNER JOIN tblstaff ON ClientPartner = staffindex

    where staffindex > 0 AND Stafforganisation = 1

      ) lst

      on t10.Partner = lst.StaffIndex


    * Noel

  • I don't think that's going to work, as the derived table will still only return 10 rows.  You can't use correlated subqueries either, as they must return only one value.

    In this case I'd probably be forced to use a while loop:

    declare @counter int

    set @counter = 0

    While 1 = 1


         Select top 1 @counter = counter

         From LookupTable

         Where counter > @Counter

         Order by counter


         IF @@Rowcount = 0 Break


         Select top 10

         From BaseTable

         Where counter = @Counter







    Signature is NULL

  • what about making a table with ID and result .... and in your stroed procedure: 1- delete all rows from table 2- insert All values into that table 3- select from table by percentage or no of rows .. (this is instead of Cursors)

    Alamir Mohamed

  • Without knowing what columns belong to which tables, I cannot confidently write your query, but perhaps this will help you understand how to do this:

    USE Northwind


    SELECT r.CustomerID, r.OrderID, SUM(e.UnitPrice * e.Quantity) OrderTotal

    FROM Orders r JOIN [Order Details] e ON r.OrderID = e.OrderID

    WHERE r.OrderID IN

    (SELECT TOP 3 d.OrderID

     FROM [Order Details] d JOIN Orders o ON d.OrderID = o.OrderID

     WHERE o.CustomerID = r.CustomerID

     GROUP BY d.OrderID

     ORDER BY SUM(d.UnitPrice * d.Quantity) DESC)

    GROUP BY r.CustomerID, r.OrderID

    ORDER BY r.CustomerID, OrderTotal DESC


  • Many thanks for your input guys.

    Calvin you are right it still only returns 10 rows.

    Jonathan, that is the sort of thing I am after, I will try to apply that to my problem.

    Take it easy and I hope I can be of help to you guys...


  • Jonathan,

    That worked a treat..many thanks. I neat solution. Although the cursor solution runs a lot faster.

    Still, it's not run too often.

    Thanks again



  • "worked a treat" ...  ??  Is that Australian?  I love slang...

    Signature is NULL

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