Alter Table Problem

  • Hi,

    Can any body tell how can alter a table by passing a parameter.

    I have a Table wit one field and I have an itration based on a comma separeted code is like this.


    create table kpuser.tbl(Vtpe varchar(50))

    declare @UnitID varchar(8000),@FieldName varchar(50),@Unit_ID varchar(30)

    set  @UnitID=252,253,254,255,

    Declare @Flag int

      declare @delimiter nchar(1)--

     set @delimiter = ','

     set @Flag=0

           DECLARE @pos int

          DECLARE @tmpval varchar(8000),@last varchar(50) 

           SET @pos = charindex(@delimiter, @UnitID)

    print @pos

    WHILE @pos > 0


    print 'sdsds'

    print @pos

     SET @tmpval = left(@UnitID, charindex(@delimiter, @UnitID) - 1)

      SET @Unit_ID= @tmpval

     select @FieldName=Unit_Name from tbl_Unit_Master where Unit_ID=@Unit_ID

      alter table kpuser.tbl add @pos varchar(50)

     SET @UnitID = substring(@UnitID, @pos + 1, len(@UnitID))

     SET @pos = charindex(@delimiter, @UnitID) 



    I got the error like this

    Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 23

    Line 23: Incorrect syntax near '@pos'.

    Can any body help me to sort out this ...


  • What is this:  alter table kpuser.tbl add @pos varchar(50) ?

    Probably you want just insert value?

    INSERT INTO kpuser.tbl

    SELECT @pos


    Code for TallyGenerator

  • I'm not sure, but I'm afraid he is trying to disassemble a long string and create a table structure on the fly, naming the added columns based on some part of the original concatenated text. However, it is hard to discern from the posted piece of SQL what it really should do, since there are several syntax and/or typing errors in it... so maybe you're right after all, Sergiy.

  • My guess  would be

    create table kpuser.tbl(Vtpe varchar(50))

    declare @UnitID varchar(8000),@FieldName varchar(50),@Unit_ID varchar(30)

    set @UnitID = '252,253,254,255,'

    Declare @Flag int

    declare @delimiter nchar(1)

    set @delimiter = ','

    set @Flag=0

    DECLARE @pos int

    DECLARE @tmpval varchar(8000),@last varchar(50)

    SET @pos = charindex(@delimiter, @UnitID)

    WHILE @pos > 0


        SET @tmpval = left(@UnitID, charindex(@delimiter, @UnitID) - 1)

        SET @Unit_ID= @tmpval

        SELECT @FieldName=Unit_Name from tbl_Unit_Master where Unit_id=@Unit_id

    EXEC('alter table kpuser.tbl add ' + @FieldName + ' varchar(50)')

        SET @UnitID = substring(@UnitID, @pos + 1, len(@UnitID))

        SET @pos = charindex(@delimiter, @UnitID)


    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • hi,

    Thanks a lot

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