alter Table Order

  • Hi All,

    I have a table called employee. These having 4 columns which is

    ID, name , address, phone. Now i want to include a column name gender in the table

    which i need to place in between the name and address field. I want to do this changes using sql script. Can anyone help me out


  • Hello,

    The following thread provides a script solution (and also explanations of why you should normally not need to worry about maintaining column order in a table).


    John Marsh
    SQL Server Luxembourg User Group

  • The bigger question would be - why is it so important to have it "in the middle?" The display order, or column seq# has nothing to do with how the data is actually stored. The data gets fetched and ordered based on what the query at hand requests.

    So in short - why try to reorder the columns?

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • Sorry Guys i actually faced this question in the interview that's what i clarified with you.

    I too know that, it is not a possible thing. I thought of it's might have answer I might not know. That's what i have asked!!!



  • So, tell the guy first off that you can move the data out of the table, bcp, SELECT INTO, or otherwise, create the new table, and then move it back in. There is no supported method to do this. Matter of fact, tell him that if you look at the operation running profiler that sql server does the same thing. After this, then tell him that ordinal positions matter nothing in the database, and moreover, all of the newest versions of ORM (nHibernate, Entity Framework, etc.) care little of column order. It's there only for his visual comfort and edification; SQL Server is not a hierarchical database and data isn't stored sequentially or positionally in a file.

    Thanks much,

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