All users view report

  • Good morning. I've been searching around but have not found an answer to this question.

    Perhaps I have been phrasing my searches wrong because it seems that the answer must be out there somewhere.

    I have a report that I would like to open up to everyone in the organization. I don't want them to be required to log in each time they would like to view the report.

    When I give them the url, they are prompted to log into the server prior to being able to view the report. Can I somehow give "everyone" or "all domain users" access to view this report?

    Also if I may, is there a prettier way to give out the url to view the report besides

    http://<server>/ReportServer/Pages/ReportViewer.aspx?%2f<report page>&rs:Command=Render

    Thanks for reading.


  • You can go to the report manager and browse to the folder with the particular report in and add yourdomain\Domain Users as a browser, then everyone in the domain can browse to the report. You will also have to deal with permissions on wherever the data for the report is pulled. It will depend on the data you are publishing whether this is applicable.

    For the URL, I am assuming you could maybe get a DNS entry added in AD?


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