All the 3 jobs are running successfully but Restoration in Secondary server is not happening

  • Dear All,

    Am using 2008,

    I have configured Log Shipping successfully.

    All the 3 jobs are running successfully but the thing is after executing the Restoring Job the Transactions are not restoring in the Secondary Server.

    Could you please help me out



  • although the restore job says its successful, check the history of each individual step, there'll be an error message there somewhere 😉


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Hi Sir,

    I Have Checked all the Steps there was no failures in that


    Please help me out....


  • Two lines down in the screenshot you have a line that says 'Could not find a log backup file that could be applied to secondary database'. Have a look at that.

  • Yes Sir,

    Now I checked that Message.

    But how can i restore that files synchronously .the path also i have given correctly

    For Backup Job Step i have given the Network path like(\\MERIX-PC\PrimaryDB)

    and For Copy Job i have given that local folder path like(e:\Secondary).

    Sir one thing here ,If I Run the Restore_Job manually then transaction are getting restoring

    but its not working automatically.

    Please help me out.....




  • Can you put the whole of that error message up here? The one that starts 'Could not find a log backup file that could be applied to secondary database'.

  • Dear Sir ,

    Good Morning..

    Please find the below Message...This is the whole message of Restore Job.


    2014-04-11 18:25:01.04Could not find a log backup file that could be applied to secondary database 'Secondary'.

    2014-04-14 09:45:01.58The restore operation was successful. Secondary Database: 'Secondary', Number of log backup files restored: 0

    2014-04-14 09:45:01.60Deleting old log backup files. Primary Database: 'Secondary' "

    Note :Secondary is my Name of Secondary Database.

    And one more thing am having doubt sir,

    Here in this Log Shipping while am trying to check the Primary Database Details by using the following Command

    "select * from msdb.dbo.log_shipping_monitor_primary" nothing is displaying, it is showing only the column names..

    Ps help me out..




  • Sorry; I even switched browsers, and the duplicates keep happening.)

  • Go back to your primary and check that the backup job is running. Open the folder and check that the file is being placed where you expect. Basically, kick off the backup job and watch it put the file in the folder, then switch to the secondary, kick off the copy job and watch that it copies the file to the correct folder. Then if that works, manually kick off the restore job and watch that.

    I would also check your file retention settings on the secondary as it may be that you are deleting them too soon. How often does each job run?

  • Hi Sir.

    I Have Scheduled for every 15 min to all the Jobs.



  • What about the rest of my suggestion?

  • Hi Sir.

    Am checking that one sir i will let u know asap.




  • Hi Sir,

    Can please Elaborate the above Step.

    I have observed that restore job is not running and showing the following error message but when i checked that all the transaction getting Restored even though...


    2014-04-16 13:00:00.64Could not find a log backup file that could be applied to secondary database 'TestDB'.



  • If this relates to your other thread, then isn't your problem just that the copy job isn't working? (This is why I said to keep it all in one thread.)

    If your backups aren't being copied, there's nothing to restore.

  • Jagadeesh Chowdary (4/16/2014)

    Hi Sir,

    Can please Elaborate the above Step.

    I have observed that restore job is not running and showing the following error message but when i checked that all the transaction getting Restored even though...


    2014-04-16 13:00:00.64Could not find a log backup file that could be applied to secondary database 'TestDB'.


    Check each steps history, either

    • logs are not being copied, hence no restore
    • logs are being copied, but a log backup is missing, so no restores will take place

    You have an LSN gap probably, this can be bridged by locating and restoring all log backups or, if no full backup has occurred against the Primary, apply a differential backup.

    To check if the Primaries differential base LSN is in sync with the Secondary run the following against the Priamry and Secondary instances and return the results

    select name, differential_base_lsn from sys.master_files

    where database_id = db_id('logshipped_db_name') and type_desc = 'rows'


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

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