All new Logins default language is incorrect

  • Hello,

    A new server SQL 2016 SP2 is incorrectly showing Arabic default language to all new logins.

    The server default language is British English.

    Even if I reset the language to the login to English or us_english, it defaults back to Arabic.

    And British English is not even on the drop down.

    Not sure what's happening here!

    Any thoughts?

    Thank you,


  • select name,type_desc,default_language_name,default_database_name from sys.server_principals  where type not in ('R','C')

    run this query and get the logins with their  default languages


  • datsun wrote:

    And British English is not even on the drop down.

    drop down of what?

    what application do you use?

  • Many thanks Andrey

    Some are showing English and some British.  I prefer to have "British English".

    From the SSMS - login properties default language shows as "Arabic". British English is not listed in that drop down.

    only us_english and british is there, the rest are foreign languages...


  • get list of available languages :

    exec sp_helplanguage

    alter login with default language :

    SSMS is a GUI and does have bugs

    so, it's better to use commands and procedures


  • If you are using SSMS 18.2, there is a bug that causes this type of behavior. It sounds like you may be hitting that issue. It's been fixed in SSMS 18.3 - it's listed as one of this fixes in this post:

    SQL Server Management Studio 18.3 is now generally available


  • Andrey

    exec sp_helplanguage

    The above is showing 34 languages langID from 0 to 33. 0 being us_english.

    no. 23 is there as British (name) - British English (alias).

    When I set language British to Alter login that goes okay and successful. After refresh again the default langauge of the login shows Arabic. There is nothing in the SQL logs to indicate that Alter login  'login' with DEFAULT_LANGUAGE failed...

    It could be the SSMS client perhaps. V.18.0 I have installed from:

    Perhaps I should upgrade it to latest version...




  • ...If you are using SSMS 18.2, there is a bug

    Hi Sue,

    Yes you are right. it was SSMS 18.2 which was driving me crazy with the wrong default language.

    I installed 18.3 and that's fine now. Although the drop down for default language now shows both name and alias together.

    "British English - British"

    Many thanks for your help.




  • Your welcome Vinay. The bugs in SSMS are pretty bad and they aren't updated in user voice so it's a good idea to learn t-sql equivalents for things you do in SSMS. It's pretty frustrating how often issues that are posted are due to bugs in SSMS. Some of which go away and then  come back or won't go away until you uninstall some other version, etc. It's kind of a mess.


  • I think it's logical to check using t-sql things that look weird in ssms.

    I don't get why people post here questions which a easily googable.


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