All month/yr when no data across different column combinations.

  • was hoping to get some help as it appears I'm not close. Trying to get all year/mo combinations even when there's no data...based on year/mo, Site, Dept and Cat. Appreciate any help!


    create table #Date_Dim

    (Date date


    Insert into #Date_Dim










    create table #Data

    (Date date

    ,Site varchar(30)

    ,Dept varchar(30)

    ,Cat varchar(10)

    ,Num int


    Insert into #Data


    ('2020-01-01', 'Salem', 'Inp', 'A', 2)

    ,('2020-01-01', 'Salem', 'Inp', 'B', 2)

    ,('2020-02-04', 'Hillsboro', 'Inp', 'A', 4)

    --Main Query


    DATEADD(m, DATEDIFF(m, 0, dd.Date), 0) as 'Month'

    ,d.Site, d.Dept, d.Cat, sum(d.Num) as 'Sum'

    from #Date_Dim dd

    left join #Data d on DATEADD(m, DATEDIFF(m, 0, dd.Date), 0)=DATEADD(m, DATEDIFF(m, 0, d.Date), 0)

    group by DATEADD(m, DATEDIFF(m, 0, dd.Date), 0), d.Site, d.Dept, d.Cat

    order by DATEADD(m, DATEDIFF(m, 0, dd.Date), 0)

    --Attempted Results

    --('2020-01-01', 'Salem', 'Inp', 'A', 2)

    --('2020-01-01', 'Salem', 'Inp', 'B', 2)

    --('2020-01-01', 'Hillsboro', 'Inp', 'A', 0)

    --('2020-02-01', 'Salem', 'Inp', 'A', 0)

    --('2020-02-01', 'Salem', 'Inp', 'B', 0)

    --('2020-02-01', 'Hillsboro', 'Inp', 'A', 4)

    --drop table #Data

    --drop table #Date_Dim

  • Not sure... something like this?

    SELECT YEAR(t.Date) AS yr
    , MONTH(t.Date) AS mo
    , d.Site
    , d.Dept
    , d.Cat
    , SUM(d.Num) AS Total
    FROM #date_dim t
    LEFT JOIN #Data d
    ON t.Date = d.Date
    GROUP BY YEAR(t.Date)
    , MONTH(t.Date)
    , d.Site
    , d.Dept
    , d.Cat;

    Might be easier with a full Calendar table.

  • When "trying to get all combinations..." it usually means CROSS JOIN.  In this case the distinct year/month dates are selected in the CTE.  Then the CTE is 'row multiplied' or CROSS JOIN'ed to the rows in the #Data table.  When the year/month date of the CTE (distinct list) is not equal to the year/month date of the #Data table then the 'Num' column is set to zero.  Something like this

    with unq_yr_mo_cte(yr_month) as (
    select distinct cast(dateadd(m, datediff(m, 0, [date]), 0) as date)
    from #Date_Dim)
    select ym.yr_month, d.[Site], d.Dept, d.Cat,
    case when ym.yr_month=dateadd(m, datediff(m, 0, d.[date]), 0)
    then d.Num else 0 end as Num
    from unq_yr_mo_cte ym
    cross join #Data d
    order by ym.yr_month;

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