All entities on sql server database

  • I am trying to find the dependent jobs, linkked server, users,ssis packages,source target mapping,db stats,sql files, impacted files, impacted codes, ssis package variable, ssis config tables, ssis packages, sql agent schedule on sql server database

    I have tried below mentioned query


    DB_NAME() AS [Database]

    ,SCHEMA_NAME(od.[schema_id]) AS [Schema]

    ,OBJECT_NAME(d1.referencing_id) AS dependent_object

    ,od.[type_desc] AS dependent_object_type

    ,COALESCE(d1.referenced_server_name, @@SERVERNAME) AS referenced_server_name

    ,COALESCE(d1.referenced_database_name, DB_NAME()) AS referenced_database_name

    ,COALESCE(d1.referenced_schema_name, SCHEMA_NAME(ro.[schema_id])) AS referenced_schema_name



    ,DB_NAME(ro.parent_object_id) AS referenced_object_db

    ,ro.[type_desc] AS referenced_object_type


    ,SCHEMA_NAME(od.[schema_id]) AS SchemaDep

    FROM sys.sql_expression_dependencies d1

    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.all_objects od

    ON d1.referencing_id = od.[object_id]

    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.objects ro

    ON d1.referenced_id = ro.[object_id]

    How can I get the remaining entities in a query? Any help appreciated

  • Because all those objects and processes you list are not stored within SQL Server, there's not a query that's going to return them all. A given SSIS package can be executed from all sorts of different locations. SQL files could be stored anywhere (unless you're just talking about the data & log files) and aren't marked in the database. A single query to rule them all just isn't possible.

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
    - Theodore Roosevelt

    Author of:
    SQL Server Execution Plans
    SQL Server Query Performance Tuning

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