Alerts configuration

  • Can you pls help in configuring of alerts like dead lock , disk space , job failed , backup status , db offline , memory utilization , long running quereries etc.. our sql servers , we have more tan 30+ servers , I need to configure the alerts in a centralized server.

    Replies are very helpful..


  • Hi

    Check out Redgate SQL monitor software. Very easy to set up and use and can monitor everything you mentioned.

  • no budget we have configure manually..

  • ramyours2003 (1/5/2017)

    Can you pls help in configuring of alerts like dead lock , disk space , job failed , backup status , db offline , memory utilization , long running quereries etc.. our sql servers , we have more tan 30+ servers , I need to configure the alerts in a centralized server.

    Replies are very helpful..


    Have you set up a central management Server to control the group as a single unit?

    If not then you should do that first.

    Do you have a centralised monitoring system such as SCOM?

  • we have a central server to configure all the alerts ..

  • if you have SQL Server Agent running on the instances you want to monitor, it has a built in ability to notify by e-mail on a number of errors that are logged by SQL Server:

    SELECT * FROM sys.messages m WHERE m.language_id = 1033 AND severity < 19 AND is_event_logged = 1

    Just setup an Operator in SQL Server Agent with an e-mail address, ensure database mail is setup with a profile and account, then you can add the alerts as so:

    -- Error 823: Read Write Request Failure

    EXEC sp_add_alert @name = 'Error 823: Read or Write request failure', @message_id=823, @Severity=0, @enabled=1,@delay_between_responses=900, @include_event_description_in=1

    EXEC sp_add_notification @alert_name = 'Error 823: Read or Write request failure', @operator_name='DBAs', @notification_method = 1

    -- Error 824: Read Write Request Failure

    EXEC sp_add_alert @name = 'Error 824: Logical Consistency I/O Error', @message_id=824, @Severity=0, @enabled=1, @delay_between_responses=900, @include_event_description_in=1

    EXEC sp_add_notification @alert_name = 'Error 824: Logical Consistency I/O Error', @operator_name='DBAs', @notification_method = 1

    -- Error 825: Read-Retry Required

    EXEC sp_add_alert @name = 'Error 825: Read-Retry Required', @message_id=825, @Severity=0, @enabled=1, @delay_between_responses=900, @include_event_description_in=1

    EXEC sp_add_notification @alert_name = 'Error 825: Read-Retry Required', @operator_name='DBAs', @notification_method = 1

    -- Error 1101: disk space

    EXEC sp_add_alert @name = 'Error 1101: Insufficient Disk Space', @message_id=1101, @Severity=0, @enabled=1, @delay_between_responses=900, @include_event_description_in=1

    EXEC sp_add_notification @alert_name = 'Error 1101: Insufficient Disk Space', @operator_name='DBAs', @notification_method = 1

    --Error 1105: filegroup full

    EXEC sp_add_alert @name = 'Error 1105: Filegroup Full', @message_id=1105, @Severity=0, @enabled=1, @delay_between_responses=900, @include_event_description_in=1

    EXEC sp_add_notification @alert_name = 'Error 1105: Filegroup Full', @operator_name='DBAs', @notification_method = 1

    --Error 9002: tran log full

    EXEC sp_add_alert @name = 'Error 9002: Transaction Log Full', @message_id=9002, @Severity=0, @enabled=1, @delay_between_responses=900, @include_event_description_in=1

    EXEC sp_add_notification @alert_name = 'Error 9002: Transaction Log Full', @operator_name='DBAs', @notification_method = 1

    --Error 6532: .Net out of Memory

    EXEC sp_add_alert @name = 'Error 6532: .Net out of Memory', @message_id=6532, @Severity=0, @enabled=1, @delay_between_responses=900, @include_event_description_in=1

    EXEC sp_add_notification @alert_name = 'Error 6532: .Net out of Memory', @operator_name='DBAs', @notification_method = 1

    --Error 17053: OS error

    EXEC sp_add_alert @name = 'Error 17053: Operating System Error', @message_id=17053, @Severity=0, @enabled=1, @delay_between_responses=900, @include_event_description_in=1

    EXEC sp_add_notification @alert_name = 'Error 17053: Operating System Error', @operator_name='DBAs', @notification_method = 1

    --Error 18452: untrusted

    EXEC sp_add_alert @name = 'Error 18452: Untrusted Domain', @message_id=18452, @Severity=0, @enabled=1, @delay_between_responses=900, @include_event_description_in=1

    EXEC sp_add_notification @alert_name = 'Error 18452: Untrusted Domain', @operator_name='DBAs', @notification_method = 1

    --Error 18456: general failure

    EXEC sp_add_alert @name = 'Error 18456: Login Failed', @message_id=18456, @Severity=0, @enabled=1, @delay_between_responses=900, @include_event_description_in=1

    EXEC sp_add_notification @alert_name = 'Error 18456: Login Failed', @operator_name='DBAs', @notification_method = 1

    --Error 18470: disabled

    EXEC sp_add_alert @name = 'Error 18470: Account Disabled', @message_id=18470, @Severity=0, @enabled=1, @delay_between_responses=900, @include_event_description_in=1

    EXEC sp_add_notification @alert_name = 'Error 18470: Account Disabled', @operator_name='DBAs', @notification_method = 1

    --Error 18486: locked out

    EXEC sp_add_alert @name = 'Error 18486: Locked Out', @message_id=18486, @Severity=0, @enabled=1, @delay_between_responses=900, @include_event_description_in=1

    EXEC sp_add_notification @alert_name = 'Error 18486: Locked Out', @operator_name='DBAs', @notification_method = 1

    --Error 18487: expired

    EXEC sp_add_alert @name = 'Error 18487: Password Expired', @message_id=18487, @Severity=0, @enabled=1, @delay_between_responses=900, @include_event_description_in=1

    EXEC sp_add_notification @alert_name = 'Error 18487: Password Expired', @operator_name='DBAs', @notification_method = 1

    --Error 18488: must change

    EXEC sp_add_alert @name = 'Error 18488: Password Needs Changed', @message_id=18488, @Severity=0, @enabled=1, @delay_between_responses=900, @include_event_description_in=1

    EXEC sp_add_notification @alert_name = 'Error 18488: Password Needs Changed', @operator_name='DBAs', @notification_method = 1

  • for Deadlocks and Blocking, I tend to use Event Notifications, which can be setup in any database on the instance that has Service Broker enabled:

    something similar can be done using the blocked process report feature:

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