Airline posts?!?

  • What's the deal w/ the sudden spate of airline spam posts? Any way to block these systematically?

  • been cleaning/blocking users as fast as I see them - but site managers should look at automatic rules as all those I did over last 3 days would be easy to automatically block users posting them as pattern was always the same.

  • I fragged a load of them earlier. We've been down this road several times before, with many suggestions which sounded like great ideas, though none seem to have ever been implemented.

  • We have a spam engine, but it takes some reports to start recognizing these. Blocking keywords isn't as easy or simple as you think.

    Spam comes in waves, we deal with it as best we can.

  • SSC isn't the only site that has been receiving this kind of spam recently. I'm aware of at least 2 other sites that have suffered "Customer Service Number" spam posts recently. Stack Overflow, for example, took a good couple of weeks to get their processes to stop the spam (or at least damage limit it).

    The people that make spam aren't stupid, the spam constantly evolves as they find new ways to avoid in built spam detection on websites; no doubt this is just a new evolution.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Thom A wrote:

    The people that make spam aren't stupid, the spam constantly evolves as they find new ways to avoid in built spam detection on websites; no doubt this is just a new evolution.

    Putting limits on new users is the most effective way I can think of. Some thought needs to go into exactly what those limits should be, but it could help a lot.

  • I seem to recall a rule in place that if 3 posts for the same user are flagged as spam, the user automatically gets disabled.  Is that rule still in play?  If not, perhaps it can be revived.

  • DesNorton wrote:

    I seem to recall a rule in place that if 3 posts for the same user are flagged as spam, the user automatically gets disabled.  Is that rule still in play?  If not, perhaps it can be revived.

    This is promising, but could easily get abused.

    Giving 'disable user' functionality to trusted users would get my vote, however. Defining 'trusted' would be interesting ...

  • I'm not sure what we do now. I know that a report now hides the post as SPAM immediately, not needing 3, so I asked what the status of things are.

    FWIW, I'm getting these same things as article submissions from multiple users, so I'm guessing some spam bot is posting directly to wordpress somehow

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