Aging Query

  • Sorry for not providing the details.. i have udated the excel sheet

    if i am trying with the existing code ..its showing 1 for other items and the count is also not correct for the 1st item



  • What changes to the code have you tried to make it work for multiple items? That is what I want to see. Where are you having problems. That way we can help you learn instead of just doing it for you.

  • i added itemid=@itemID in the below part

    UPDATE #temp1

    SET Quantity = 0

    WHERE ID = @ID

    and ItemID = @ItemID

    and removed the top 1 from


    SELECT @ItemID = ItemID, @MaxTotal = Total

    FROM #temp1

    Pleas help ...

  • Ravi,

    I'm not sure what you're after but if you want to aged a column you would use this statement.

    datediff(day,[column name2], [column name1]) AS [Days Aged]

    I don't know if this helps or not....


  • well that's totally different than what you asked. the procedure i gave you isn't going to work for having different items to go with.

    you've now got a triple-nested iteration there. you want to treat all the items separately, and then all the cities separately.

    if you want to use the code that i gave you, you can still do it, but you'll have to nest it properly. IE, first loop through all the items, then loop through all the cities, then loop through all the quantities. for each city, update only the records for that city.

    not the most efficient approach by far, but itt'l work.

    Oh - and what are you going to do in this situation:

    100-45 DaysANJPQR4

    846-60 DaysANJPQR-5

    661-90 DaysANJPQR3

    261-90 DaysANJPQR2

    461-90 DaysANJPQR3

    Which one of the three records at 61-90 are you going to bring the -5 to? arbitrarily choose one?

    PS - if anyone else wants to help this guy out further, here's some code you can use to create his dataset. you REALLY should present things like this to people. an excel spreadsheet is worthless.

    DECLARE @TempTestTable TABLE




    Item VARCHAR(10),

    City VARCHAR(10),

    Street VARCHAR(10),

    Quantity INT


    INSERT INTO @TempTestTable ([Date], Item, City, Street, Quantity)

    SELECT '2009-07-10', 'A', 'NY', 'ABC', -4


    SELECT '2009-07-05', 'A', 'NJ', 'PQR', 4


    SELECT '2009-07-01', 'A', 'NY', 'XYZ', 2


    SELECT '2009-06-30', 'A', 'NJ', 'PQR', -5


    SELECT '2009-06-23', 'A', 'NY', 'ABC', 5


    SELECT '2009-06-09', 'A', 'NJ', 'PQR', 3


    SELECT '2009-06-04', 'A', 'NY', 'ABC', 2


    SELECT '2009-05-31', 'A', 'NJ', 'PQR', 3


    SELECT '2009-05-27', 'A', 'NJ', 'PQR', 2


    SELECT '2009-05-25', 'A', 'NY', 'XYZ', 1


    SELECT '2009-07-05', 'B', 'NY', 'ABC', -2


    SELECT '2009-05-30', 'B', 'NY', 'ABC', 3

    DECLARE @TestTable TABLE



    DateRange VARCHAR(100),

    Item VARCHAR(10),

    City VARCHAR(10),

    Street VARCHAR(10),

    Quantity INT


    INSERT INTO @TestTable (DateRange, Item, City, Street, Quantity)



    WHEN DATEDIFF(dd, GETDATE(), [Date]) BETWEEN -45 AND 0 THEN '0-45 Days'

    WHEN DATEDIFF(dd, GETDATE(), [Date]) BETWEEN -60 AND -46 THEN '46-60 Days'

    WHEN DATEDIFF(dd, GETDATE(), [Date]) BETWEEN -90 AND -61 THEN '61-90 Days'

    ELSE '>90 Days'


    Item, City, Street, Quantity

    FROM @TempTestTable


    161-90 DaysANYXYZ1

    261-90 DaysANJPQR2

    361-90 DaysBNYABC3

    461-90 DaysANJPQR3

    561-90 DaysANYABC2

    661-90 DaysANJPQR3

    746-60 DaysANYABC5

    846-60 DaysANJPQR-5

    946-60 DaysANYXYZ2

    100-45 DaysANJPQR4

    110-45 DaysBNYABC-2

    120-45 DaysANYABC-4

  • Any idea how we can achive this ...



  • You do realize we are volunteers with jobs of our own. We give of our time as we have time available. If this is a critical issue, seems like you may want to look for help within your organization. You really can't hold us to getting things done for you under your time constraints.

  • Ravi,

    Try to thoughly understand what the user requirment is and the objective and don't assume what you think the user needs. You might be making it harder then it really needs to be. Then break it down in simplier components in your temp table and grow upon that. That's what I try to do when I'm really stuck on a problem. Or bump heads with other colleague, they might give you a new perspective on the problem.

    Good luck.


  • Sorry sir , i didnt mean that

  • Michelle ,

    Thanks for your suggestion



  • You shouldn't be so gumpy Lynn... Remember back in the days when you were working on a problem and you just couldn't figure it out and your boss has got you under the gun because it wanted it like, yesterday?! OK, I'll get off my soapbox now...


    Please restate what the user requirement is and the objective and maybe we can start from there.

    Michelle 🙂

  • here's the deal -

    what you're trying to accomplish, at least from what i've understood, is really not something you should be doing from a T-SQL level.

    T-SQL handles iterative things "alright", but it's defiinately not designed to do it like that.

    what i'd recommend is that you take your result set, and then use something like .NET to write a program to handle the results.

    if you really want to use T-SQL, then like i said, try the script which i gave you, and modify it to iterate through the items then iterate through the cities.

    as simple pseudocode,

    FOR EACH Item IN RawData

    FOR EACH city in Item




    where RunScript() is a script similar to what i gave you, although needing to be modified.

  • mm (8/19/2009)

    You shouldn't be so gumpy Lynn... Remember back in the days when you were working on a problem and you just couldn't figure it out and your boss has got you under the gun because it wanted it like, yesterday?! OK, I'll get off my soapbox now...


    Please restate what the user requirement is and the objective and maybe we can start from there.

    Michelle 🙂

    Sure I do. One, I didn't have SSC to jump on and ask for help. Two, I had a wonderful group of coworkers that could go to and ask for help and were more than willing and able to do do so. That is where he should look to first as they are right there and have access to everything he does.

    So, really, I'm not being so grumpy. Just trying to make sure Ravi realizes we aren't here to do his job, but to help him learn. Crunch time isn't the time to be relying on the internet to get work done. Plus, had he provided the full spec upfront, he probably would have had a working solution already.

    Also, we need to guide him away from multiple nested loops, not really scalable and he hasn't stated how many records this needs to run against.

  • Hey Michelle 🙂

    If you didn't already know, Lynn is renowned for his patience to the point that he has often been called Saint Lynn by the regulars at SSC. I was about to get up on a soapbox, but cut off the last two paragraphs because it would add nothing to this discussion.


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • Michelle,

    The user requirement is basically to create an Aging report

    I am able to calculate the age of the product , but say when i get negative value in particular age ..then that i need to get substracted from last value , like FIFO

    now say for example if input is

    Age= 0-30 Days, Item = A, City =NY , Street=ABC , Qty = -4

    Age= 0-30 Days, Item = B, City =NY , Street=ABC , Qty =-2

    Age= 31-60 Days, Item = A, City =NY, Street=Abc, Qty =5

    Age= 31-60 Days, Item = B, City =NY, Street=ABC, Qty =1

    Age= 61-90 Days, Item = A, City =NY, Street=ABC, Qty = 2

    Age= 61-90 Days, Item = B, City =NY, Street=ABC, Qty = 2

    Then the output should be

    Age= 0-30 Days, Item = A, City =NY , Street=ABC , Qty = 0

    Age= 0-30 Days, Item = B, City =NY , Street=ABC , Qty =0

    Age= 31-60 Days, Item = A, City =NY, Street=Abc, Qty =3

    Age= 31-60 Days, Item = B, City =NY, Street=ABC, Qty =1

    Age= 61-90 Days, Item = A, City =NY, Street=ABC, Qty = 0

    Age= 61-90 Days, Item = B, City =NY, Street=ABC, Qty = 0

    Similarly i can hve same itemid in different cities , but the deduction should be done from the same city ...say City NJ and Item C should be substracted from City NJ and Item C only

    I have also attached the excel sheet



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