Aggregating data by Ranking and grouping

  • Hi There,

    I need to aggregate data and display it by ranking. I have a table called learning which has the following.

    Coursegroup -- this higher level name (i.e. IT related skills development)

    Title_Offering -- actual course attended (there could be multiple courses under the IT group)

    People_Attended -- number of people that attended a particular title under a particular group.

    simply put we can have 15 people attending training in the IT group however attending different titles. i.e. Sharepoint, SQL Development etc.

    what I need to display is

    Coursegroup Title_Offering People_Attended Ranking

    IT Skills SharePoint 10 6 1

    SQL Development 5 2

    Web Development 4 3


    Total 15

    Management Skills Coaching for Growth 4 1

    People Management 2 2


    Total 6


    Grand Total 21

    Sample data:

    Create table Learning

    (CourseGroup Varchar(Max),

    Title_Offering Varchar(Max),

    No_people_Attended Int)

    Insert Into Learning (CourseGroup, Title_Offering, No_people_Attended)

    Values ('Information and Technology Related Skills Development', 'SAP01 -SAP Overview Level1', 32);

    Insert Into Learning (CourseGroup, Title_Offering, No_people_Attended)

    Values ('Information and Technology Related Skills Development', 'SQL Development', 10);

    Insert Into Learning (CourseGroup, Title_Offering, No_people_Attended)

    Values ('Information and Technology Related Skills Development', 'Sharepoint Development', 5);

    Insert Into Learning (CourseGroup, Title_Offering, No_people_Attended)

    Values ('Management and Leadership Skills Development', 'Coaching for Growth', 4);

    Insert Into Learning (CourseGroup, Title_Offering, No_people_Attended)

    Values ('Management and Leadership Skills Development', 'Handling difficult conversations', 2);

    Insert Into Learning (CourseGroup, Title_Offering, No_people_Attended)

    Values ('Risk Management', 'Anti-Money Laundering', 96);

    Insert Into Learning (CourseGroup, Title_Offering, No_people_Attended)

    Values ('Risk Management', 'Advanced Operational Risk', 15);

    Insert Into Learning (CourseGroup, Title_Offering, No_people_Attended)

    Values ('Risk Management', 'Role of a Risk Manager', 5);

  • This should help:




    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY CourseGroup ORder By No_People_Attended DESC) AS RowNumberResults,

    RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY CourseGroup ORder By No_People_Attended DESC) AS RankedResults,

    DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY CourseGroup ORder By No_People_Attended DESC) AS DenseRankedResults

    FROM Learning

    MCITP SQL 2005, MCSA SQL 2012

  • This produced the desired output for me:

    select CourseGroup, Title_Offering, No_people_Attended,

    RANK() over(order by no_people_attended desc) as Ranking

    from Learning l1

    where No_people_Attended = (

    select max(No_people_Attended) maxpeople

    from Learning l2

    where l1.CourseGroup = l2.CourseGroup


    order by Ranking

  • Thanks for the feedback guys.

  • Here's a crazy query that does the whole thing, I think:

    ;with cte as (

    select CourseGroup, Title_Offering, sum(No_people_Attended) No_people_Attended

    , RANK() over(partition by CourseGroup order by sum(No_people_Attended) desc) as Ranking

    from Learning

    group by CourseGroup, Title_Offering


    select CourseGroup, Title_Offering, No_people_Attended, Ranking

    from (

    select CourseGroup, Title_Offering, No_people_Attended --, Ranking

    , (rank() over(partition by Ranking order by No_people_Attended desc)) Ranking

    , cast(ranking as varchar(10)) as rank_sort from cte

    union all

    select 'Rank ' + cast(Ranking as varchar(10)) + ' Total'

    , ''

    , sum(No_people_Attended) as No_people_Attended

    , null

    , cast(Ranking as varchar(10)) + 'T'

    from cte

    group by ranking

    ) q

    order by rank_sort, ranking asc

  • Thank you that is exactly what I was looking for

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