AggregateFunction] property to [None]

  • I have two dimensions and one fact.


    - ClassID

    - ClassName

    - ClassYear (YYYY)


    - StudentID

    - StudentName


    - ResultID

    - ClassID

    - StudentID

    - PercentageAchieved

    I don’t want to sum [PercentageAchieved]. As I understand I should set its [AggregateFunction] property to [None] to avoid summing up of values.

    If I set to [None] it return blank but it's fine with [Sum]. I did try to set the [FormatString] property to [#,#.##] and [Percentage].

    Please note the value for [PercentageAchieved] is pre-calculated so I can't write calculated measure in this case...

    am I right? :unsure:

    Thanks in advance


  • Zabastian,

    What exactly do you expect to see at the aggregated/higher/highest level of the cube? That is, if you don't want to sum (which I agree would be wrong) or Average the Percent Achieved value, when you are *not* filtered to a single student for a single class, what value do you believe should be shown?


  • Steve,

    Thanks for your reply. No aggregated value but actual value of [PercentageAchieved].

    a matrix like....

    -------| 2008 | 2009 | 2010


    John | 89.3 | 90.2 | 78.9

    Beck | 89.3 | 90.2 | 78.9

    Smith | 99.3 | 50.2 | 98.9

    Please let me know if it make sense

    Thank again


  • I found a solution on SQLDev - [Not exactly what I was looking for but similar]


    Hi Sandrine,

    I think you need to set the IsAggretable property for the parent-child hierarchy, not setting the aggregate function for the measure.

    Double click the Countries dimension, right-click Parent/Child hierarchy in the Attributes pane of the Dimension Structure tab, and then click Properties. Scroll to the IsAggregatable property, and then click False in the property’s drop-down list. After that, the subtotal/total will not appear.

    Aggregate function for a measure determines how to display the value along with the dimensions, it will change the fact value aggregate behavior, has no relationship with subtotal/total of a dimension. And if you select None for the aggregation, no aggregation is performed, and all values for leaf and nonleaf members in a dimension are supplied directly from the fact table for the measure group that contains the measure. If there is no value, it will show NULL. More information, see:

    Hope this helps.


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