Aggregate in lookup

  • Hi All

    I am using SSRS 2008 R2 and struggling with aggregation inside the lookup function.

    I found the below code which perfectly:

    Function SumLookup(ByVal items As Object()) As Decimal

    If items Is Nothing Then

    Return Nothing

    End If

    Dim suma As Decimal = New Decimal()

    suma = 0

    For Each item As Object In items

    suma += Convert.ToDecimal(item)


    Return suma

    End Function

    and in my tablix I have : =Code.SumLookup(Lookupset(Fields!CLUSTER.Value, Fields!CLUSTER.Value, Fields!Q1_Dismissals.Value, "Dismissals"))

    which returns the correct result but I now want the sum of all the results.

    My result look like this:

    Cluster Dismissals

    A 3

    B 5

    C 1

    I would like to have results which look like the below but the total line is coming out wrong (I just get the 3).

    Can anyone see what I doing wrong and advise if it is possible to get the total?

    Do I need to change the custom code itself or add a new custom code?

    Cluster Dismissals

    A 3

    B 5

    C 1

    Total 9

    I appreciate your assistance.

  • I find what the problem was.

    The code above works perfeclty when I select each parameter individually, problem occurs when all parameters are selected at once which occurs when the report first loads (this is because the lookup does not find the matching records).

    So I will make the "All" parameter and handle its case.


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