Aggregate functions - First, Last, Max, Min etc

  • I'm upgrading from Access to SQL Server and have to translate to T-SQL a number of queries which use the 'First' and 'Last' functions that Jet uses ... only I can't seem to find equivalents in T-SQL. Is there an easy answer to this? please, please someone tell me there's an easy answer ..

  • Look in BooksOnline for Aggregate functions:

    MIN(), MAX(), AVG(), SUM(), COUNT()...

  • But he's asking about First and Last, which don't have corresponding functions in T-SQL. I've wished for these at times myself.

    Jay Madren

    Jay Madren

  • What's the difference between MIN and First and MAX and Last. YOu can also use TOP clause and the order by clause to produce the results needed.

    Edited by - jpipes on 05/29/2003 08:48:18 AM

  • In Access, the First and Last functions allow you to retrieve the first or last value (field) within a Group, where the order is not by that field (i.e., ordered by some other field).

    Jay Madren

    Jay Madren

  • quote:

    In Access, the First and Last functions allow you to retrieve the first or last value (field) within a Group...

    That is percisely what MIN and MAX do.


    SELECT OrderGroup, MIN(ReceivedOn) AS EarliestReceived, MAX(ReceivedOn) AS LatestReceived
    FROM OrderTable
    GROUP BY OrderGroup

  • There are Min & Max functions for Jet/Access, I assume they're equivalent to their namesakes in T-SQL. This is doing my head in - can anyone out there think of a workaround?

  • quote:

    ..can anyone out there think of a workaround?...

    What are you trying to work around? If you post the Jet code, we can translate it to T-SQL...

  • quote:

    What are you trying to work around? If you post the Jet code, we can translate it to T-SQL...

    It's alright, I've tried using Min & Max and it all appears to work fine. Thanks fellas.

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